I am disabled and i find both Asians and Europeans more caring than British people...... Is this usual or is it just where i happen to live..... 55 yo 3 strokes
Wouldn't know, I'd probably need details of your experiences. But I believe the Britsh are more reserved and keep themselves to themselves more. Value independence more than social interaction maybe. I'm told more so in the south than the north, not that I've held a survey. I'd not say that wasn't caring, but it's more a case of having to make it known you need help. Ask and most will give, soldier on in dignity and you will be allowed to do so.
I thought British people were Europeans - or have I missed a recent development :)
Seriously I think such stereotyping based on personal experience can be misleading, but some cultures are no doubt better than Brits (and some no doubt worse).
I let 3 ( elder than me just ) ladies with walking sticks onto the bus before me. The person standing behind me said " are you their carer ". No I replied just making sure they sit down before the bus moves. O she said nobody does that these days.
Many people of Asian and Oriental background find it strange that our ill and elderly don't always live in the bosom of their families - there are cultural differences, certainly.