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Husband has friends who take drugs

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swansgal | 14:11 Wed 08th Feb 2012 | Family & Relationships
64 Answers
My husband has friends who take drugs. I knew he was friends with them, they are in their twenties, my husband is 51. He owns a clothes shop and nightclub and these two girls work for him. I know one of the girls is selling the drugs from the shop and in the club, i can't say anything because i found out from a personal facebook account. Ive had a go at him for being friends with them, he says he has nothing to do with what they are doing. He's lending them money as he says he that type of person if someone want something he will help them out. I can't confront him about the selling of drugs, and i don't think he'd believe me anyway. Im really upset by all this and told him to stop hanging around with them, but all he says is im not doing nothing wrong.


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good luck swan...hope things work out but i think that anyone who knowingly withholds details of anybody dealing drugs are themselves morally wrong regardless of consequences to themselves and they contr4ibute and encourage the use and drug dealing
16:24 Wed 08th Feb 2012
Why can't you confront him about the drugs if you feel that strongly about it? Personally, it sounds to me that you feel much stronger about the girls he's associating with who work for him than you do about any possible shannagans regarding the drugs which is quite a different issue. Just how your answers read to me.
He should be concerned 'bout the selling of drugs from his shops, he's nuts if he isn't!
it does sound like its more of an issue with the girls - which i can understand
So he took her out to dinner and lied about it?

I would say that's more the issue here.
Sounds like you're just jealous to me. If you have issues with the way your husband behaves then you need to sort that out, because this is a pretty moot point on it's own.
I think you are right CD it seems it is more about wanting to end his relationships with them... or wanting someone to suggest a less acceptable alternative ie that he is behaving so badly it is her that should pull away... a possibilty the OP may not be ready to face on a conscious level....
You know what? I just 'love' the people on here who offer 'advice' on a subject that they have never even had a sniff of in real life. You can only offer advice if you have suffered similarly, or are an expert. Otherwise, consider 'guidance' after you count to at least 10.
smart1- ex drug addict, alcoholic and nightclub owner- I think i'm fairly qualified to comment.
What do you about any of us smart1?
how do you know none of us had ever had a "sniff" of it in real life

and the whole point of this site is to answer q's and offer advice or opinion, its doesn;t have to be taken, get off your high horse
lol @nox
Dealt with the effects in patients and their families even so called safe drugs claim lives by affecting the judgement of those taking them. Experience enough? Sit beside the bed of a 17 year old on life support and say dealing drugs or allowing themn to be sold is at any time acceptable
smart1 guess what. you ain't a smart one
Some folks on here do bare their soul to help others so shurrup if you don't have anything helpful to say

Swan, it looks like he is more interested in the girls. As has been advised, do an anonymous tip off
I can't see anything on this thread smart that a lot of people wouldn't have some form of experience in smart. Drugs, relationships, children etc...
Sounds to me like your Hubby is partaking of some of the"exotic substances"..maybe enjoying the "high-life"..from my experiences,once you are "into it" let a lot of things"slide"...!
You can't say that Zhukov - you're offering an opinion.
rather than 'advice'.
^....Allegedly...! ^
'Sounds to me...' implies offering an opinon smart... If they had said 'your husband is...' then that implies fact. A bit like

'he could be well aware of what is going on, but happily going along with it 'without talking to her first'. I speak from experience.'

is an expression of your opinion based on your own experience. Not rooted in fact to this poster.
Thanks RW. Remind me of the 'facts' in this thread.

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