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What Comes After Toddler?

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bednobs | 22:07 Wed 07th Oct 2015 | Family & Relationships
33 Answers
and when does it hppen? Would you cll a three year old a toddler?


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My youngest is 18 now Cloverjo, eldest 24. We have four.
Geez I miss a "real Christmas".
Oh,, the excitement on little faces.
A big sloppy raspberry to those of you that have a problem with kids!!!!!

Shame you grew up and forgot what you once were.
Well, ozzy, yours are of an age when they might soon provide you with the next generation of Littlies. My one child is 23 and not ready yet.
I'm with you there 1ozzy, mine's now coming up to 11 and the Christmas magic, as far as she's concerned, is fading fast. I still go all misty eyed at her utter joy and excitement on finding out Santa had been and eaten the mince pie and drank the milk (+carrot for Rudulph) we'd left out for him. Last year we didn't bother doing it as even then she didn't 'believe'- it almost broke my heart!
Mine aren't ready either Cloverjo.
But I'll be patient.
My parents told me the best thing about grandchildren is you can hand them back when you're worn out ;-)
I remember chewing a raw carrot then leaving it next to the tree, just to prove a point. Our tree was always on a slate floor, we used to sprinkle talcum powder then make fake deer footprints in it.
The kids didn't argue with the proof, well, for quite some years ;-)
I don't do xmas.

I get the kids things throughout the year and state it's instead of the 25th of December. I do give them money though.

My mums b'day is the 23rd so we've always made a fuss about that date. She spent her childhood having presents 'for both'
I'm surprised that you don't do Xmas, ummmm. Do you not have family round or go to someone's house on that day ?

It must be annoying to have a birthday near that date and only get one present 'for both'.
no I agree with UMMMM - because in my street alone - all the children are all kept beautiful as they receive new coats, shoes, dresses, trousers etc all the year around so when it is xmas it is nothing novelty. No - by the way my wee ones have all different tastes - last year Spiderman oh yes I do the 3 year old is getting (I don't have a clue) but I think he is getting ipad2MINI - if that makes sense. Also since mom and dad are no longer together he will get a double whammy. Things have changed since our younger day and unfortunately for me we just have to accept it. Sigh
Jo...I have a massive family. It's so big that we don't buy each other presents anymore.

As soon as the kids were old enough I explained xmas was a rip off and I'm not prepared to use it as a bargaining tool. They got what they needed throughout the year and they got bonuses for good behaviour. I make more of a fuss about birthdays.

They were always happy with the deal.

I dislike xmas because of the pressure it puts on parents and the fact it'll be starting soon! (B00 if you're reading this!!!)

I do go to my inlaws for dinner but we usually go away with them a few times a year and have a far better, unforced, time.
One Xmas my mother knitted a blue suit and gave me a boy doll - I was hardly allowed to play with it - the following Xmas - she glued a girl's wig on the same doll with plaits and put a dress on it. That was two of my Xmases.
Yes, three-year-old is commonly referred to as a toddler, a stage of childhood development characterized by increased mobility and curiosity.Get practical and effective parenting tips for preschoolers at Learn how to raise confident and independent children through articles on discipline, playtime, nutrition, and education.
Yes, three-year-old is commonly referred to as a toddler, a stage of childhood development characterized by increased mobility and curiosity.Get practical and effective parenting tips for preschoolers at Learn how to raise confident and independent children through articles on discipline, playtime, nutrition, and education.

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