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atalanta | 23:08 Sat 23rd Sep 2017 | Family & Relationships
78 Answers
I invited my niece and her boyfriend to Sunday lunch. I hadn't met him, and hadn't seen her for years, so I was horribly dismayed to see how huge they both were. Both morbidly obese. In fact, they broke the feet and castors on the settee when they sat on it. The dining chairs creaked ominously, too. They both said how much they'd love to come again, and meet the rest of the family, but honestly I don't think my furniture will stand it, even if I get the settee mended. Any ideas where to go from here ?


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Ill just remove all the feet to my furniture to accommodate someone, no, I don't think so.
You don't dislike them at all but you will post this on a public forum about them?
"The couple are chronically boracic, ( zero hours work ) so they'd automatically assume that my suggestion of a restaurant would include my paying. The cheapest pub Sunday lunch for that lot would set me back £100 absolute minimum. If we went to the sort of restaurant they know I patronise, it'd set me back a monkey. By the way, I already gave them a monkey when they got evicted from their tied cottage and had to find a mobile home.
And, I nearly forgot - I'm told that when her boyfriend gets to know you, he turns up in a frock and expects you to call him Denise.
Honestly, I am not making this up. I don't think you could make it up."
"And who care's if her fiancee cross dresses,"

I would. OK if he did it at home.....but if he came in a skirt and blouse or a dress.....I wouldn't let him or her or whatever through the door.
atlanta is looking for an answer to a problem. She's had to describe her problem to see how to fix it. Nobody knows who they are.
You could eat out next time, but don't offer to pay their food bill - it could be very costly !
Not even if it was black chiffon Sqad :0?
Oh come on Sqad it's absolutely classless to comment on anyone's appearance who are guests, whatever they turn up in.
Actually I never ate to my full capacity whilst out because I was embarrassed and all the obese and morbidly obese that I have met over the last 7 months said the same.
So it wouldn't be anymore costly than feeding a 'normal ' person actually!!
Eleena......aaaaah!......might make an exception.

Kvalidar.....classless to comment on a bloke in blouse and skirt..come on.
Luckily nobody DARE try that one when coming to the sqad's for a meal, so I don@ and won't have that problem.
Kval there are a lot of classless persons about!!
Apparently there are Islay, absolutely shocking :(
^^^^^ do you mean that they lack class OR do you mean that they do not fit into the groups of Lower, Middle or UPPer?

I think that it lacks class for a man to go to someone who isn't known to them dressed as a woman.
I believe sqad that he dresses as a woman when he gets to know you!
You might indeed have a point there Sqad, but two wrongs certainly don't make a right, and it shows appalling bad manners to comment on a guest's appearance, or didn't you go to the kind of school that taught you that after all? ;-), I was educated at home ;-)....(just joking).
"I believe sqad that he dresses as a woman when he gets to know you!"

Well he certainly wouldn't if he got to know me.
Tricky problem atlanta, good luck with a solution. I'm sure I wouldn't want my furniture damaged carelessly after working hard to buy it. Best answer goes to MallyJ ...
Although not feasible & I'm sure was suggested with no offence in mind, made me laugh out loud.
You could just say "let's go out for a pizza" next time, thousands do, no need to mention that you usually dine at the Savoy.
They'd probably want a family-sized pizza each, jno.
Why do you think that NoMercy?

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