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11 Yo Sister Still Using Pacifiers?

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abby16 | 02:38 Sun 25th Sep 2022 | Family & Relationships
21 Answers
my parents let her use them. she uses them 24/7, even at school. whats everybodys opinion on this?


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First thought is this will be bad for her teeth and at 11 the damage will be done. Do the other children at school not call her a baby and make fun of her?
seems a bad thing to do, surely your parents would have got her out of this years ago. What do her friends say?
Not a good idea.
sounds like a bit of a dummy
Should have been taken off her years ago.
Not a good idea, bad for her teeth, a real reason for her to be bullied. My grandson gave his dummy(pacifier) to the piglets at a local farm when he was two. (Not really, of course, a scheme run by the farm owners)
I am surprised that her teachers allow this. Have the school not spoken to your parents about this
Not good. She needs to be weaned off it. Maybe limit to after school and weekends, then just weekends, then just Saturday and so on.
let her be
and go and read a novel
or do some knitting
it is nothing to do with you
let her get on with her own life
clearly there are other detils you have nt told us
In my opinion, the other kids must be taking the *** out of her something rotten. Let's hope it doesn't affect her for life.
Is pacifier yank English for dummy?
Don't believe you.
Why are you posting this? The school would not allow it.
Sounds like BS to me, for one thing she would be mercilessly ribbed by the rest of the school, she'd only do it once.
So why have you invented this and posted it here?
I think its not your business
What does 11 Yo mean?
Eleven years old
Lots of folk never stop using them (it's called smoking or vaping).

Habits (or addictions) can be difficult to eradicate and your sister needs affectionate support in this difficult task, not negative censure.

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