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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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abbeylee90 | 19:52 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
65 Answers

We are very good friends but meant nothing to me. It was his leaving do I messaged him after I got home to make sure he got home ok.



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Sorry but you have sunk so low in my estimation that I didn't even think it was possible 

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He held mine so we didn't all get lost I think but that. He only got my number incase a vacancy comes up in his wife's place.

Yeah right

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He did ask when I told him I was looking for a new job.

So would I, I'm sure his wife would think it wrong. There is also a possibility this guy has worked you out and will take a chance.

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He didn't try anything with me.

If you got a job with his wife would you tell her you spent the evening holding hands with her husband?

Block his number now, before he calls, so we don't get asked what you should do when he calls

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No I'm not wasn't all night.

He won't call and I haven't heard from him today.

Well, regardless of the rights and wrongs of you holding his hand he, as a married man, shouldn't have been holding yours.

If my wife had been holding somone's hand, I wouldn't be having a word with anyone except my wife!

Isn't this what novelists might call an escalation?

Next episode, 'check in my trouser pocket for change.'

Leave married men alone! If he has problems with his wife it's nothing to do with you . Good god are you that naive you've never heard the excuse 'my wife doesn't understand me' ?

I don't know why  you felt it necessary to message him asking if he got home OK.  That is flirting in my view 

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That's the last thing on my mind plus he got kids I wouldn't even go for a single man with kids.

Yeah I do that with all my friends.

Yes it is wrong.  Have you  got that?  For some reason type has gone into bold italics and I can't shift it.  Help!




Why did you hold his hand? Please don't say it's in case you got lost you were with 6 other people and we are not thick.

Quite right Auntypoll. we are not thick !

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I don't know why he held my hand.

We did loose 2 who we didn't know they left until they were on thr train.

Ok why did you LET him hold your hand? 

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Was awkward knowing what to say. We are just friends.

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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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