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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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abbeylee90 | 19:52 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
63 Answers

We are very good friends but meant nothing to me. It was his leaving do I messaged him after I got home to make sure he got home ok.



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what is  done is  done -  get on with next weeks gaffes, texts and queries

Whether it's right or wrong, soesn't matter. It happened, forget about it. Stop making problems for yourself.

Question Author

I'm just asking for any future reference.

^^^ Pretty much snap there, PP.

Why were you holding hands? How do you think his wife might feel about that? 

Is this the same work colleague that you have flirted with before?

Yes it's wrong, you don't know him that well, he's married and I am sure his wife would be miffed.

Question Author

Haven't flirted with him just very close.

That what I thought.

His wife normally doesn't let him out apparently.

Good grief yes it's wrong to hold hands with a married man. What sort of vibes are you giving off? Why did you go to the leaving do together? Would you like it if you had a boyfriend and he met up with a female work Colleague and walked to the venue hand in hand? Is this another blinking wind up? What's your option Naomi? 😂😂😂

Ahhh the wife doesn't let me out/doesn't understand me story!

c'mon Abbey you are not that daft to believe that it's acceptable to hold a married man's hand?

You have known him 5 months and barely work with him!

Abbey, is this the guy you asked about before, wondering if you had a 'close bond'? 

Question Author

His wife doesn't let him out.

There's were like 8 of us.

Question Author

Yes but there's others i have a close bond with aswell.

Good grief abbey...his wife doesn't let him out, do you believe that nonsense? Answer - would you like your boyfriend, if you had one, going to an event hand in hand with another girl? Stop wearing tarty tops and you might start attracting nicer guys!

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I been told that by other people.

I only wore green blouse not tarty.

Not really getting the answers you expected are you. Why wasn't his wife at the leaving do?

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Because it's a work do and selco were paying for thr drinks.

Thanks, Abbey. When you asked the the question (Do we have a close bond?), I got the impression that you were hoping we'd all say 'yes, there's obviously more than just a good working relationship'! I've never been tempted to hold hands with any colleagues, especially married ones.

If I ever found out that my husband held a girls hand whilst out on the lash I would hunt her down!

Yes, it is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong .

Holding hands is quite an intimate thing.  Whilst you say that he (or holding hands) meant nothing to you, you clearly thought about it enough to ask the question.

Wrong or not, it has already happened.  Just make sure it does not happen again.

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Is It Wrong That Me And My Work Colleuge Held Hands When Walking To The Pub Together He's Married

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