Panic At The Disco aren't emo whickerman!!! =O
I'm going to see them in march!
Everyones descriptions are about right apart from whickerman (three of my favourite bands are in there! And I'm not 'emo' ) Just kidding, well I don't like to hear them called emo but I'm not being nasty =]
Tell the girl's mother quick!! -rolls eyes-
"Emo's cut themselves"
Don't worry, most of them dont. Most 'emos' just enjoy the music and fashion and get steriotyped as self harmers.
Warning: This video is extremely American and over the top.
As for your daughter, well at my school she'd probably just be called normal. Anyone who likes anything remotely rock-ish in my school is automaticly a 'goth', anyone who wears a tracksuit is a 'ned' and everyone one else is normal.