When my eldest son was born (16 years ago) I used terry nappies for a while. I didn't have any problem lifting poo off them though (unlike tigwigs experience) as I also used nappy liners with them. I would lay the nappy out in the correct shape (there are different shapes for boys and girls) then a nappy liner on top before laying the baby on top of them. After securing with a pin then you need to put on plastic pants, or the nappy will just leak onto the babys clothes, bedding etc.
I stopped using them after a couple of months as it was just too much like hard work (even though, like yourself I used disposables when out). All nappies had to be soaked (I made a fresh solution out of Napisan) in a bucket, then at the end of the day I would wash them. Unfortunately this was winter and I didn't (still don't have) a tumble dryer so I was really struggling to dry them along with all the other washing (and there is a lot of washing with a small baby). I also don't think that they were terribly environmentally friendly as I used a disposable nappy liner, Napisan, washing power, fabric conditioner and of course, electricity and water for each nappy.
Oh - nearly forgot - the plastic pants need washing out (by hand I think) every so often, especially if there has been a major leak!