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'Moody' mums!!

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tigwig | 19:27 Thu 08th May 2008 | Family & Relationships
16 Answers
Just wanted to see what other people thought of this. It is my little girl's birthday soon and I booked her a party at a soft play centre, it will be the 1st party with friends that she has had. So I sent out invites and was gutted to find out her little best friend won't be able to make it because she is on holiday so after lengthy discussions with some of the other mums about it I decided to bring the party forward so she could come. When I told one mum she said her son wouldn't be able to come then as they are on holiday! I said I would let her know what I was doing and after speaking to my daughter she obviously chose her best friend over him. I told his mum today and was really apologetic and said how bad I felt but it was my little girls choice. She said right well I will have to tell him now then and turned her back and walked away! She didn't speak to me at all after. Have I been unreasonable or is she just over reacting what do you think?


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chances are the little boy wont even notice that he missed it as he'll be on holiday.

Personally i wouldnt have changed it for anyone unless they were a close personal friend, but then id probably have an idea when they were on holiday.

How old are the children?

oh and i do think shes is over reacting, sadly it may rub off onto her son if she now sits him down he cant go because the date has changed
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she will be 4 I only changed it because both of them were really upset and it didn't really make alot of difference to me
if she was upset that her best friend couldnt make it then you made right decision for your daughter. At the end of the day its her birthday and her party�!
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well thats what I thought but the other mum made me feel even worse than I already did but sod her!
lol exactly!

whats the saying 'you can please some of the people some of the time......................'
Rise above the B1tch and save her a party bag with cake. THEN she will feel so guilty. lol.

Hope your little girl has a lovely party.

Katie. x
Whatever you do-it should be for your conveniance and the happiness of your little girl (as long as you are not spoiling her). There will always be those who are not happy...if they do not understand the reason for your descision,well-sod em!!
I'd give the boy a party bag anyway. He was invited, and presumably would've turned up if he could? If his mum doesn't speak to you again, I can't see it as being a great loss. She should understand how the mind of a child works, and it's natural for your daughter to want her best friend there.
However, if I'd been in your situation, I agree with redcrx - I would've gone ahead with the original date, and then invited the best friend round for a special tea party when she got back from her holiday.
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thanks for your answers its a nice idea to give him a party bag so I will save one.
we had the same problem, my son is 3 on sunday. and all i got off people when i sent the invites out was, can you not do it the week before or the week after. in the end i just sent all the adults a text and said his party is on the 11th if you cant make it there ent a lot i can do about it, i had silly excuses like, we take them swimming on a sunday, in my eyes if they want to be there that bad they will make the effort, unless they are away.
you will never please everyone it is impossible
Good for you tig wig for saving him the party bag. Well done ! Rise above it.

Katie. x
Moody mums are the worst and can carry on a grudge for ages. Good idea about the party bag, I hope she comes round soon. : o)
Well it's not the little boy's fault is it, so yes, as I said, I'd give him a party bag and tell him that you hope to see him perhaps next time. He was probably disappointed, because all children love to receive party invitations - but mothers who kick up a fuss like that really need to take a look at themselves!
I was invited to a party last year, where the date and time was changed THREE times.

That really annoyed me at the time, and I can imagine, that if my son (about 10 months old at the time) had been older and had consciously been looking forward to this party, it would have been even worse.
So unlike anybody else here, it seems, I can feel with the mother, she now has to tell her little boy he cannot go to the party, which might be a big deal at four years old.

I think you should have checked with the best friend first and then sent out the invitations.
I wouldn't have changed the date, but your daughter should have who she wants at the party. If the party bag idea works maybe twist the knife and organise a play date for her son and your daughter?
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I posted this question in May last year! Didn't expect an answer 9 months later!

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'Moody' mums!!

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