My daughter is only two and has started using the toilet which i am very pleased and proud of her. It is not a problem but she has had to accidents in the last month. The question i have is obviously the matteress is stained. I wondered if anyone knew what to use on the stains to clean them. I asked my mother and all she said is hot water does not work. All answers appreciated. TIA
my daughter was the same,she wet the bed for along time,finally grew out of it,we tried coloured stars on a chart,showing good or bad,it worked,she was always rewarded,when good,please do not get angry,it makes the child worse.Have you tried a plastic/rubber sheet from the chemists?maybe 1001 carpet cleaner might help.I hope this problem passes fast.
You can buy waterproof matress protectors that don't feel all rubbey and nasty and theyre like a breathable sort of cotton thing, but i have no idea now where to get them from as my ex used to get them for our kids when they were at this stage.
As for getting the marks out of the mattress that's already there, I believe borax added to the water helps but we never successfully got rid of them, just lessened them and just binned the mattress when the little person concerned finally stopped having night time accidents.
I used to lift the sleeping one out of its bed and sit it on the potty, when I went up to bed late in the evening. Child used the potty without waking up much. This seemed to help lessen the pickly accidents.
Cold water and fairy liquid (scrub hard!) lol!
I also used Flash bathroom spray (I figured the matress was wrecked already so if I wrecked it further it would matter!)
To get rid of the smell strip the bed right down to the bare mattress, (Squirt lots of Oust or Febreeze or something like that!) and open the window - leave all day.....
Oh the joys!
It will probably be cheaper to replace mattress if you haven't already got one; but a vax carpet cleaner- used with apholstery attachment may be the way to go. Even if all the stain doesn't come out it should leave it smelling a lot fresher.