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Splitting up with kids involved

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angel21 | 13:42 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Family & Relationships
91 Answers
I know its a lot harder in some ways but from the point of view of knowing you will see your ex again does that make it easier? Or would you much rather not have to keep in touch and never want to see them again.


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Yes I am not happy with my job
Yes I think my colleague tries to upset me on purpose by talking about babies
Yes I had an abortion
Yes I can't get over it
Yes I am not particularly happy living in a shared house
Yes I have no friends
Yes I can't get over my ex
Yes I can also talk about shoes
Yes I am intelligent
Yes I don't always appear that way

All the above things YOU can change. You just need to look at that list and realise it.

and then look at this list

I am kind
I have a good sense of humour
I have a lot of love to give
I am healthy
I am intelligent
I am free to do what I want with nothing to hold me down
I have an income
I have a roof over my head
I have a car
There are nice people out there I just need to find them

and also realise that you have a great life and with these things can make it even better, it is you and only you that is making it a big problem as I said before you need to be happy with yourself first. xx
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Ok hun x

Well I must admit it didn't help me a great deal but some of the ideas were good and the rest I already knew.
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4get has the same idea!
No explanation then trigger?


As for angel get a clear and compelling vision.
Have strong reasons to follow through.
Have total honesty about where you are.
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I don't think I'll ever understand the venom either vibra.

Guess theres no point trying.

Thanks hunnies, I know I can change and I know I will have a good life one day. xxx

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Let's hope the pennies dropped!!


Compared to some people You have a good life now!! You just have to open your eyes and see that. The only thing thats making it bad is your past, so make it just that your past and live for today!!
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There hasn't ever been any other sort of penny Yogi :-) x
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and compared to some people I have a crap life.

No good comparing is it.

You're right forget. I need to be more glass half full rather than half empty.

We all have crap lives compared to some people.
I would love to be healthy but i'm not.I am 41 years old and won't live to see 50,possibly not even 45.My grandchildren will grow up not knowing me and my youngest son will have only just left high school,and will have spent many years watching me slowly get sicker and sicker.
You have the most trivial of 'problems' and you really need to get a grip!
I am not being nasty here angel but you really are just wallowing in self pity.
Oh Daffy, now that I didn't know, dunno what to say to you xxx

See Angel? Be bloody grateful for what you do have, which is a helluva lot more than what alot of folk have.

Get a grip lass, because before you know it you'll be looking back on a youth spent wallowing imn self pity.

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Well I am truely sorry to hear that daffy ((hugs)) and kisses.

There will be someone out there who will tell you you are lucky to have had kids and that you are lucky that you made it to 40. Some people like Jade Goody didn't.

Thats what others would say!

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ok boo.

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^^I agree xxx
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Splitting up with kids involved

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