I know its a lot harder in some ways but from the point of view of knowing you will see your ex again does that make it easier? Or would you much rather not have to keep in touch and never want to see them again.
angel, meeting new people is NOT going to change how you feel! You need to change your outlook yourself!
you cant see things through to the end. Look at the ex fiasco!
Oddly, all of Angels answers have disappeared from her own thread..............curiouser and curiouser.........
(although given her navel-gazing this morning, that's no bad thing, actually) :o)
True they were self pitying but hardly grounds for removing. I'm just being nosy really as there was obviously a reply made by her which obviously ticked everyone off, I just wondered what it was.
I think it may have been the post where she intimated that I should think myself lucky to have lived this long B00,and didn't die young like Jade Goody.lol
Thanks for the good wishes by the way folks :)