My two year old has had a tummy bug since Tuesday and hasn't kept anything down, including liquids. He has not had a wet nappy today - even when he got up this morning he was bone dry. MHD Direct say take him to the doctor but my sister (an a & e nurse) says take him to the hospital. What do you think I should do? (Cant do anything at the moment as I have to collect my other children from school and nursery.)
my little one was like this when ill. Can you not get any fluids into him at all? how about giving him an ice pop or something.
If you have given all details to MHD (presume its like NHS direct) and the advice youve been given is to go to GP then go to GP. If he needs to go to hospital then they will make appropriate calls to have him seen in Peadiatrics straight away, much better than waiting in A&E
If the little one isnt drinking at all and nappies are dry for a day you need to get the little one to a&e.... Otherwise he is at serious risk of bad dehydration
Stil at the hospital but he is a lot perkier (I'm knackered though). Guess we have been lucky to have five kids and only ever had bumps and across before.