Christmas-as a holiday-ended for me when I became single.....and I too have almost always hated/dreaded New Years. I half want to be part of all the jollity....but am happier curled up on the sofa-sulking....;-)
It's celebrated at the end of December by hundreds of millions of people, as a quick Google search would have told you. The reason you don't celebrate it, other than you've never heard of it, is because it has not the slightest relevance nor meaning for you.
Which is exactly how I feel about Christmas! I'm not a Christian, have no children, and don't come from a close family....
See, there's the problem right there! I'm perfectly cheerful. I don't need cheering up. However, I've had the temerity to dare to say that Christmas means nothing to me, so your instant assumption is that I need cheering up!
Thanks for the hug (only prezzie I'm likely to get).
Ena, if you've been off the stouts for a while it would seem a good idea to wean yourself gradually back on to them. I would start tomorrow (today, actually) so it won't be too much of a shock to the system come the 25th.