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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Wow look at all you biddies, here there and everywhere!

Oh jude, I would loved to have been there with you!

My dining room table is choc a bloc with rubbish or things to sell, and I hate clutter, will sort it soon.

Had another lovely chicken and veg cous cous tonight, it is just so easy and as I had run out of spuds but had loads of stew veg it was fine. I can eat turnip, swede and parsnip in cous cous.

Oh good prisoners wives tonight, the "muslim" ginger boy is becoming nasty!!
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The coffee and cake with my friend turned into glasses of wine....
Neti I wish you could have been here too. If I win the Lottery one of my must do's would be to arrange and big getogether of all us. :)

Laters 'gaters Oight Oight and wrap up warm. We're expecting about 4" of snow for 2 days. Brrrrrrr!!!
These things have a habit of doing that sometimes Woofy :)
Prisoners Wives was good and I caught up with the WPC .Why do they hide these little gems away in the afternoon schedules .
Sounds as if you had a nice day Jude .I wish I had half your energy .My spirit is willing but the flesh is weak ...haha.
Turned really cold now so I'm off to bed with a nightcap and good book .They say snow on the way again .How cheerful .
Keep warm folks ,hope you all get a good sleep. Oight Oight .
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I am watching WPC 56 and finding it annoying....quite predictable. I hope it improves.
Grr, just lost a post!!

I am enjoying wpc 56 although I do not like the wpc herself. Loving Prisoners wives.

I had a good night's sleep but kept dreaming of a samaung galaxy S11 phone (guess cos my sister has promised to buy me one!) She also yesterday bought the new twins' parents a car and is helping them to buy a house.

Just looking at sky news and the weather there seems really awful.
I hope Lottie is feeling better ♥
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been doing housework, I do occasionally. I was thinking about Lottie too.
Bonjour....'cept it's not a bon jour, it's crip. We've had a good dollop of snow which is slowly disappearing, but there's still some in the air and it's very, very bleak.

I haven't watched WPC56 or Prisoners Wives and I don't think I'll start now.

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I was never fussed about Prisoners' Wives either Robi and we have more rain here.
Hello all
Isn't it grim .It's not snowing or raining here but blasting wind straight from Siberia from the feel of it .I've been doing a bit of housework too .Half heartedly though .
I shoved the vacuum round downstairs and flicked a feather duster about .
I've just watched the WPC .It wasn't too bad .Good entertainment for dull afternoons whilst slurping tommy soup with toast .
I like Prisoners Wives .The last series was good and this is too .Pippa Haywood is brilliant in it .I had to laugh at her last night when she was having the chaplain round for dinner and was dressed up in her sexy underwear.He was early so she bunged on an old frock over it all .Anne Reid is in it this time Not her usual dotty dame role ,but an evil accountant who launders drug money.
Hope you are all Ok .Keep warm folks ,this cold weather can't last much longer .........can it ?
yoho shaney! Isn't Anne Reid brilliant as the evil old bat, I get nervous for the gingert biy, something nasty is going to happen to him. Have yesterday's and today's wpc 56 to catch up on, I could watch them live but as I had to catch up the first two I've left it.

Lovely weather here, really warm and sunny, in fact I made a mistake and sat in the sun today for coffee, never again, I like shade.
"gingert biy" being ginger boy!!
lol shaney, I've just had tommy soup & egg mayo cobs (rolls to the posh folks)

It's been snowing hard again for a while here and if, as forecast, it goes on all night and tomorrow I won't be able to get as far as the birdtable, never mind the shops. The milkman remembered to leave my freelance eggs this morning, I should have asked him for an independent loaf to go with them.

I'm abandoning all hope for the foreseeable future.
I've been watching the news, and how snowed in you are Robi and Jude, Sidmouth is flooded where my rich bro lives but he's on a private hill, so it wouldn't dare flood!

Hija has been for a job interview in a small select hotel in San Miquel, live in (fingers crossed) and the she had an epiphany, why not sell all her old "Ibiza Rocks" tee shirts. Ibiza Rocks is all the rage here atm, and she has about 20 of them as she worked there last year and they are fighting on the internet for them, someone has just been up and bought 3, others are texting her like mad, haha all the shirts have been mangled with sleeves cut off and knotted corners and some still have grease stains on them, but people want them!!! Gonna look through my vests now!!!
I've always imagined that woofy and shaney (separately of course) live in big rambling houses with acres of ground, but seeing as woofy has neighbours, I guess not.

Made bolognaise sauce to have with macarronis (spanish style) but didn't fancy it so hija had that with pasta shells which make me vomit hate them, I fancied a Dr Oetker salami pizza, so had one and I doctored up the cous cous for Mr N!
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I wish Neti! My house is family sized, big enough but neither old nor rambling and the garden is a fair size for a garden but not huge. I would love a much bigger garden but the logistics of buying and selling at the same time are beyond me at present.
Snap Robi and Shaney. I had Tomato Soup and Toast with my neighbour for lunch. I was going to take her out at but the snow put me off so I asked her here instead. Now its almost gone (not the soup, the snow) but I expect it will be here again in the morning.
Yesterday I should have been at the hairdressers instead of Nottingham so that cost me a box of Thorntons in apology and rebook for tomorrow morning. They were lovely people they just said as long as I was alright it didn't matter. I totally forgot I had an appoointment.
Don't worry Neti we're not too bad in this area with the snow it's more into Derbyshire itself where is is bad. Not all that far away I admit but we're not as hilly as some places.
I'm off to watch England play the worst country team (at football I mean) so we should win on paper but you never know....
oight oight everybody laters 'gaters!!!
Lol Neti ..I live in a three bed semi built in the 1930's .Mind it you it does ramble slighty especially round the nooks and crannies and the rooms are huge .It's becoming far to big for us to cope with and we are tentatively considering downsizing .
I want a smaller more manageable garden .It's a lot to think about though and I'm not rushing into anything .Lot's of things we have to consider first .
I'm in two minds about going up to bed ,as it's football on teevee but am waiting for some meat to thaw a bit so I can put the slow cooker on overnight .
Hope you are all warm and safe though's awful out there .

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