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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Good morning people, still warm here but a bit gusty. Am worried as have not heard from hija since she went out last night at 9pm and she always lets me know if she is staying out, her phone is off. I worry unnecessarily I know.
Morning all...bitterly cold wind but no extra snow and the road is clear...hopefully the pavements will be too I really need to get out but I'm not looking forward to it.

Really enjoyed Foyle, it was good to have him back. I love some of his facial expressions, they say it all. I watched the programme afterwards too, Perpectives with Warwick Davis. It was so sad, people have lived through such cruel times...
woo! Ed's in feisty Monday mode...whether the post's for real or not, well said
Morning all
Bitterly cold here too.Wind still blasting .No snow though and it's bright .
I think we may be lucky and have avoided it but I'm not holding my breath as there doesn't appear to be any let up with this weather for the week ahead.
I was in two minds about that Robinia .I may watch it on catch up .I did see the one last week with David Suchet .
Must move .My brother is coming round later .He's 79 today .I've bought him two books by Brian Cox .That'll keep him quiet for a while !
Take care if you are going out Robinia .
Just waiting for the washer before I venture forth...might peg the big things out, they could dry in this wind, if they don't freeze!
Happy birthday shaney's bro...hope he's sharing cake :)
Happy Birthday Shaney¡s bro ♥

Well hija finally got in touch at 12.30 after I was convinced she dead and buried! Now I feel such a fool.

Spring well almost summer is here, the place is crawling with tourists, I just cannot find the right clothes to wear.

I loved Foyle, he is so like my dad.
Morning all. I thought about hanging my washing out Robi and yes be careful if you venture out is is a bit slippy on the snowy bits. I walked down to the usual bus stop and had to watch where I walked.
Fancy putting that question on here. Yet then again whoever it was seemed quite upset about it. Yes well said Ed.
I've actually been to town today and missed the boiler man coming to finish off the job he started last week. I still haven't paid him for what he's done.
I got it wrong about that programme last night it was about a young girl joining the Army. I watched Foyle's War which I enjoyed and then the end of the Army one. Wasn't sure about that but it was a bit sad in the last half hour I saw.

Happy Birthday Shaney's Brother. Have a good Day and keep warm everybody.
Have washed quilted king size bed cover, pair king size cotton sheets, 4 pillowcases, 2 sets pj's and they have all dried natually, another 7kilo lot washing now.
Boiler man been and done everything. Have to go and tidy up now.
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Happy birthday Shaney's bro and many more of em. I am having a CBA day here.
I knew she'd be ok neti, they do these things to keep us taking the pills, they all secretly work for drugs companies.

I'm back so you don't need to send out the St Bernard...hell, it's bitterly cold. If anyone fell where they couldn't be seen i swear they'd be dead in no time. Washing's as good as dry tho', amazing.
There was a huge doll's house in the charity shop, I think it's got it's own postcode :)....all wooden overlap and walk through rooms but £190 ono...they'll be lucky.
I bought a couple of strwbrry trfles in honour of your brother shaney....any excuse does for me. :)
Had to collect hija from the little village of Jesus (Hay soos), it all bendy and twisty roads full of huge lorries, couldn't stop where she was meant to be so had to carry on to the old water park and then turn round and sneak across the traffic, hate it, then I espied where she was so I hollered "HIJA" and most of the traffic stopped (I was on about 4 yellow lines, but nothing stops me when I am wound up!) she came scooting over and I zoomed off, I didn't even see her nice policeman friend, who by the way thinks I am a cool mum! Bet he changed his mind cos I was in house tracksuit with pink shoes but I did put on a bra cos you never know!!!! so am making yet another pressure cooked beef stew cos it's easy.

Now off for a cuppa and a birthday biscuit for shaney's bro!
...or 4 biscuits at the last count, and still munching.
Hi Neti sorry I missed your post saying Hija had called. I'm pleased for you I would have been as worried. I used to be a chauffeur for Steady until he didn't want me to know where he was going and who with. He didn't bring me any trouble though thank goodness. He did tell me when he was older he had been offered drugs but refused them (thank goodness), and did admit too having an 'iffy' smoke but stuck to ordinary cigs in the end. He has only smoked about 6 years of his life so I'm hoping he packs that up again soon as he started again when his marriagve broke up.
I've done all the cleaning I'm doing today. Upstairs will get a good going over tomorrow cos I'm off on my travels on Thursday.
I'm hungry now so I'm off see yer later 'gater(s)
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Did you give Hija a smack on the bum for worrying you?
I have managed to shower today and give myself a pedicure but that's about all.
You are all very kind and am glad your daughter is Ok Neti and that you got to the shops and back safely Robinia .
My bro brought cake but am glad I went and got some cakes as well because my nephew and partner came with them ,as they had been out for lunch .
I would rather keep him for a week than a fortnight .He can demolish cake at a rate of knots .
Lol..I got the fancy cake forks out and he asked me if I had a bigger fork .I told him I'd go up the shed and get a trowel for him .Yet he's a thin as a rake ,must have hollow legs .
I'd better clear the debris and make a snack for Mr S ..have a nice evening folks .Keep warm ,still bitterly cold here .
Ooooh, I want cake, and I want it now!!!

Beef stew was again very nice with lovely fluffy dumplings which have to be made with levadura (not sure what you call it, baking powder i think) cos no suet available here. The woman who bought my slow cooker loves it to bits, she's made chicken and mushroom in twice, yuk, don't fancy that.

Yes hija starting having a go at me, so I talked her down and said she should be grateful that she has someone who loves her and cares, and the "just you wait til your a mother you'll know about it then" rigmarole.

She's off to barça on wed for her 27th birthday and comes back on April 1st, that ain't no joke!!
Oohh Neti you're so good with Hija!
I'm off to watch SOTD now Shaney. I'm going to really have a go tonight and concentrate so that I get a few more point;)
Oight Oight everybiddy. I shall be in bed early tonight as I woke up very early this morning. Get all snug and warm all of you too cos that's what i'm going to do!
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Am having a food program night, watching Paul hollywood and before that the great british menu.
good morning, am still in bed but will get up now as it it 10.05 here. Was up at 7 cos hija had a blood and pee test at 7.30. We have therse little pots to pee into and then there is a tube thing which has to be pushed onto the pot's top and the pee goes into the phial and it is all sealed and nice, but hija has never done it before so I had to show her. So I made a cuppa and came back to bed. Seems sunny out.

Have to get petrol today and we are going to the local water point where you can fill up huge amounts of water canisters for 1€, it's so much cheaper that paying 1€ a bottle!!!!

Hope you are all warm and cosy.

Lottie thinking and worrying about you! ♥

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