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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Good morning all, another cold grey day here. I have to go shopping later but have no energy.
Morning bonny's not getting any warmer. A lady farmer on the radio said they'd had to put newborn lambs in the oven to revive them.....! Turned out she meant she meant in a warm range oven, not at regulo 5 with a spring of rosemary.

Have got petrol, have filled 7 big plastic bottles and 3 litre and half with water (we get 1.90secs for 1€) and we still had a minute left!! Met Mr N for brekkie so that saveme 5€ and now hihja has forgotten her pin no for her cash machine and cannot get her money out, have phoned lloyds but they do not have it either!! (stupid girl)
Hello all
Bright and sunny but freezing .At least the cold wind has eased off a bit .
Hope you are all Ok .
20º here today!
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I'm struggling to keep it at 20deg in the house.
Dear sweatybetty
It's -5C here
Lots of love
Real feel of minus 9C here....but I've discovered a way of warming up for free. Go upstairs...forget why...come down.
Remember...go back upstairs...forgotten again...come down
And again....faff about, go to the loo just so the journey's not wasted
By this time you've worked up quite a sweat :/

oh M&S have just informed me there's 20% off all clothes and lingerie...I wonder if there are any fur lined drawers.

Time to huddle over a gas flme and fry some taters.
Lovely lunch today at a country pub with my 'ladies what lunch' I had 2 seabass fishcakes with ginger lovely chips and salad. We haven't been there for a while cos of the weather and it was a treat.
Then I went to to Sainsburys 25% off week and didn't buy anything for me just some Trackie bottoms for my friend.
It's been a better day today and the sun has been shining. It's still cold but I had my woolly tights on so was ok I've even been to Tai Chi and done some exercises as well.

Neti I didn't know you had to collect water, or am I being daft and your pipes aren't working or something.

Hope all of you are ok and have had better weather as well.

Raining and still no PIN number!!!
I haven't upset you Neti, have I, mentioning your water collecting. I hope not. x
Jude, I'm sure it's not really water she's collecting, it's gin, but she's just too shy to mention it.

Clear blue skies here today, 24 degrees. What a nice summer; I wish I'd got here a month earlier.
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jude I am sure that you haven't upset Neti, she's probably out somewhere harvesting lemons to go with the gin.
Oight Oight Biddyfriends everywhere. Late tonight - I'm looking or a photograph I have somewhere and can I find it NO...!! I've been looking through them all since half past 7...
See yer later 'gater(s)
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oight oight jude. I posted an easter parcel to my middle sis on Thursday. This evening i found the card that was supposed to go in it. I really am losing it.
Oight Oight Woofy. I'm tucked up now for the night. You have a good one. I daft thisngs as well. Every day :) x
Mrning all

(slaps jude upside the head!) no you haven't upset me, but that's just in case you ever do!!

No it's drinking water we buy, and it is so expensive in the shops. I suppose we could use tap water but it's a throwback from the 70's when we had to use rainwater and buy lorries full to fill the cisterna (underground tank) and there were all sorts of dead bloated animals in there, so we prefer to buy it.

Was up at 5.30 today to sort hija out for her early morning flght to barça, luckily Mr We ate brekkie at airport and am now cleaning the house.

Back laters>>>>>>>>>>>
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good morning! Its actually not cold here today!!!! amazing!!!
Morning all
Is it warming up a bit your way Woofy ? Perhaps it'll creep this way's still minus here with that cold east wind .
I feel a bit crip .Grumbling tum .I don't think that pea and ham soup with garlic bread for dinner last night was such a good idea after all .
Hope you are all Ok today .

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