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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
I'm shattered now so I'll say goodnight all til tomorrow. Please all of you feel better tomorrow. Hope your birthday went well Shaney and you have a good nights sleep.
Laters gaters.
that's the very man...

I do believe my toe has recovered, thank you... apparently there's a chance it will start curling again, but so far so good, I am able to hit the town. Tomorrow it will be Cirque du Soleil
Morning all...ooh, is it Hogmanay? We have soleil but we also have beaucoup de vent so it feels less like 10C and more like 2C.
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good morning all, jno I am glad your toe is recovering. I feel like a pile of poo today. I know its only a cold but i hate it grump grumble grump
Hi all. Jno what a laugh. I've just listened to the Dr Finley link. So funny.
Sainsburys today then to fetch my coat from the dry cleaners. Ironing done now for the first time time since before Christmas. Not much else to do so I think I'll have a cuppa and watch Countdown.
Woody I think colds are doings he rounds because of the warmish winter weather. Not joking - it has been more than a normal one hasn't it. Hope you get better soon. Steady says he may venture out today so he must be feeling better. It has been blowy Robi hasn't it but not like in Scotland I'm pleased to say. The sun has gone now and raining...but still not as cold as the other days. Have a good evening all. See ha later.
Hello each and every!

Been so busy today, out at 9.30 to meet a fiend of Mr N's for coffee and to collect some English cheeses, then rushed to his mobile phone supplier to get info that he needs ( well for when I sort out his probs!) then rushed to get Ibiza bus, then went to a shop for 2x1 offers on big sloppy tops, got more socks for wearing over the boot tops, got earphones, rushed to haver another coffee as needed a wee and no public loos here, then rushed back to bus stop. Walking back home saw a PO van and just had a feling it was for me, so raced up the hill, saw where he was going and found him outside my gate hooting his horn, so I'm gasping and limping along saying "Estoy aqui, soy yo!" (I am here, it is I!) lovely big box from Dubai, 4 weeks late but hey that's Spain, lots of lovely goodies, sweeties, two of those lovely snowing ornament things , one a mechanical ice rink with 4 skaters, and another one with two people cuddled in front of a lighted camp fire in the snow. I love these sort of things.

Flaming neckache and irritated eye and nostril today, just prepared toad in the hole for dinner. Mended some trousers and a jumper, just cannot face the ironing today. Did a quick Spanish to English translation on the phone for a friend, now having a cuppa, am shattered.

Was going to wish you all individually get well, but rethinking , you are all a tad under the weather, so hope you recover soon!
It wasn't a fiend that I met, it was a friend.
Hi Neti you're worse than me. Dashing about. Mind you there are things I suppose I could be doing but I just feel lazy now. Let's just say I've done the necessary.
Hello all
I'm pleased someone is dashing about being busy :)
The only place I'm dashing to is a small room.I wish my innards would settle.My appetite has picked up though .
Dreary day here ,windy and dull.Hope you're all fair to middling.
Get well soon Woofy,look after yourself ,keep warm .
easy to be in a hurry when you're dealing with a fiend, shaney.

some great acts at the cirque this afternoon, and have now arrived home to find the shooting in France is over, thank goodness, though I don't suppose it will reduce the amount of hate mail hereabouts. I still have a niggling cough fromj my cold - I thought it had gone away - but as Jude says the warmer weather may be to blame, I go out never knowing if I'm going to be too hot or too cold.
I am certainly not dashing about now, cme over all achey this afternoon, cyst really hurting and neck aching, but I soldiered on and served dinner and washed up and mopped the floor, then had a hot bath and am now (thank heavens) in my bed. Guess gobbing a lot of sweets fom Dubai didn't help, not if as the mexico says, I have diabetis.

Anyway good news Mini Cooper is coming home hopfully on Monday, mexicos well pleased with the Trouper Cooper.
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Super Trouper Mini Cooper!
I have got a feverish shivery thing :( Its not bad enough for flu
oh, have you been diagnosed diabetic before, neti? Mexicos occasionally ask if I am (because I get pimples and other little skin infections) but investigations always turn out negative (so far)
Well apparently I am in denial, as I take a daily metformina pill,, to sort it, so I reckon I am not!
well we're not ending the day much healthier overall than we started it, are we. Is there a spell anywhere in Harry Potter for dealing with cysts?
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oh dear what a peeley whalley lot we are. channelling better health for tomorrow. Glad you enjoyed the Cirque Jno.
Oh don't mention cysts .I had a nasty lump in my groin which burst the other day .I suppose it came up from being run down with this virus/lurgy I've been suffering from .
Good news is though, another great great for my collection .
My great niece has a little girl.
And well done to the Mini Cooper .
Night night all,feel better soon folks .
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many congratulations Shaney. No change here, still feeling like poo.
Morning this the Cirque des maladies?
Have you all got these dreadful gales? It's been terrible here (and looks to continue for days) but everything seems to be upright. It's doing nothing for my dizzy/pressure/earache and now the other side is twingeing. Oh tut.

I'm pleased for Mini Cooper and his family, they must be over the moon, he's done really well.
And that's lovely news for you too shaney, congratulations all round. :)

Sorry everyone's still battling something. KBO, spring is just around the corner....somewhere at the end of this 500 mile long road. :)

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