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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
2086 Answers
Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
I'm happy you sound a bit better Shaney. Don't get dashing about until you are a lot better.
Robi hope you feel better soon too. I think you should have a go at writing that book I said once I thought you could do.
I've been to Tai chi today and really enjoyed it. There were only 6 of us which I quite like. I find it more relaxing and quiet as they don't chatter as much when there's a lot of us.
Afterwards we went to a pub called The Malt Shovel and I had a children's menu Spag Bol with garlic bread. It was as bug as the amount I would have had at home and it was only. £3.50.
I might watch Broadbchurch later as there isn't a deal on Telly tonight.
Neti and Woofy hope you're ok today.
Off now for my first cuppa tea of the day. It's been orange juice and latte up to now.
See yer later Gaters
There weren't any bugs on my Spag Bol honest it really is a nice pub to eat in. :-)
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hello all, busy day today, saw sis off, took decs down then took the dogs out driving to avoid fireworks. 5 world cruises are leaving this week so fireworks last sunday, today, thursday and saturday. can you tell I am unimpressed?
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PS hope everyone is well, hope your cyst gets sorted neti.
Oh nooo Woofy ,not more fireworks .I hope you get a peaceful night tonight though.Did you see that programme about the puppies on BBC2 ? Some people have no idea of how to look after a dog ....tut.They think are cute bundles of fun but don't seem to realise that they grow into adult dogs who need training and to know who's in charge .
All the best at the hospital Neti .I hope they can help you .
Night all ,sleep toight .
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the display only runs for 10 to 15 minutes Shaney but they are the huge noisy kind. At least they publish the dates and times so we can make ourselves scarce. I couldn't watch the puppy program having seen the trailer, it wouldn't do my blood pressure any good.
Funnily enough I was thinking of you as I watched it .One of them got a cross Weimaraner puppy for their son who was having problems at school .They thought he would be able to bond with the dog and it would take him out of himself and he would become more confident .
The boy wasn't in the least bit interested in the dog once he realised it piddled and pooped :(
Morning all...just nipped in to say good luck neti, I think you're ahead of us and your appointments always seem to be early.

Lol at Jude' s spaghetti buganese.

I'll be back when I've woken up a few more brain cells.
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good afternoon all, for some reason we had a very broken night last night so are having a quiet day today. I had some bizarre dreams too.
2pm here just got off the bus now home. Been in Ibiza since 8.30 as got a lifin with Mr N as bus pass needed renewing, done now. Bought a few things ie new sloppy sweater and leg warmers. Now waiting for a computer person to come and see if they can mend desktop.

Gorgeous maxifacial doctor at hospital, have app for next Wed at 7.30 am! For xray. How on earth I am going to get there at that time I do not know if daylight I may have to drive!
Shame they didn't do an xray today neti. Wasn't there a later appointment available?

Jude I think I'd struggle to write a pamphlet, never mind a book. They say write what you know. That would mean including characters based on living people and I couldn't afford the law suits. :)

Foul weather here, wild, wet 'n windy. Apart from feeling like a puppet that's been restrung ...all parts in the wrong order...there's nothing much to report.
Ah relief, computer man (he was a pupil of my mum's - that makes it cheaper!) is coming again tomorrow to fix it.

Dinner all sorted, Mr N having one of those pies from the pie maker, I am having pork satay with fried noodles.

No Robi, we have to go to the xray department, it's for one of those allround up n down ones.

I love being at home!
I don't know what people must think, I had to wait for computer guy at police station (cos no one can find my house) and I jumped into his car and off we speed, at 70 yrs old as well!!! For some reason there were a lot of people hanging around, they all stared at me!

Just having a cuppa and a slice of xmas cake.
lol, they're probably never seen a Net Nanny in Ibiza before...

Had a good night's sleep, drug-assisted, but on New York time. Heyho, maybe I'll go out and see what's new on Fifth Avenue.
Have to say say the pie looked good, tasted good and by golly it did him good, I do not like pies!

All washed up and kitchen cleaned, me bathed and now in cosy bed, I love winter and being at home!!

Cyst is playing up since he poked about, eye streaming and nostril running, cheek swollen, and this is before any treatment!!!!
had afternoon tea at the Wolseley with our friend the Jadefiend. His carvings are now winning gold medals in China and he had half a dozen telly documentaries made about him last year as the only white jade master in China. He and his lovely Chinese wife now plan to open an English tea parlour in Suzhou, with a jade gallery/shop attached. I'm pretty gobsmacked at all he's achieved in 10 years or so since he left his media job here. He is even writing a book about it in Mandarin.

Those are lovely Jno .I like the pendants.
Been a bit of a wild and windy day here ,hope you're all ok .
At least they're looking at it Neti .Hopefully they'll be able to sort it for you .
It's one step forward, two steps back here .Had a horrible dizzy dame moment this afternoon ,felt all shaky and clammy.This may be to do with my thyroid problem so think it's another trip to the mexico .
Night all,sleep well.
oh dear, shaney, sorry to hear you're feeling wobbly.
Good morning all.
Oh dear shaney this illness is taking it's time with you. Do hope you improve soon.
Love to the rest of you.
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hope the mexico sorts you out Shaney. I have woken up with a tickly sore throat and nose :(

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