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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
Wellk good news for baby snowflake and jno's 10th, so I am at this very moment having a glass of posh cider, which is most unlike me imbide in the day or even the night. Well done Snow and jno!
and not to steal your thunder Robi but Mini Cooper (as he is now known worldwide) has passed his birth weight, but still not expected home til Feb. He can actually drink a small bottle of milk now.
and yes shaney woofy is right, sometimes only just vegging out will get you better, which is what I had to do a few years back. Erm if Mr S wants to buy me a fish supper I'll be there....
Hello all
Grey day here .
Happy 10th Jno deserve a medal .
Pleased all is Ok Robinia .
I have been resting ,I've done b all for days but it just won't shift .
Woe and thrice woe .

Hang on in there shaney, we're coming up to a full moon, we'll all be cock a hoop when it's passed.

Well done Mini Cooper, I'm so pleased for him. It's tough having your baby in hospital.

I've just compared Snowflake with Moondust's first pics and they look exactly the same. I think the Tarquins are cloning babies.
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Is that easier than the - ahem - traditional method?
Well we got through to the next round by the skin of our teeth. Scored a penalty in the 91st minute to win 1 - 0.
I understand now about your 10th Jno. I've just checked mine and I'll be 11 in September. Pleased to hear baby Mini Cooper is improving and his Mum & Dad are looking forward to having him home in Feb.
I'm off to get my sweet and sour chicken dinner. Picked it up from the local Co-op so lazy today.
Also watching Robbie Savage on Pountless. I really think he's a kind caring family man. Even though he was a bit of a 'rogue' when he played.
Have a good night all and Shaney keep resting..
it's these new 3D printers, woofgang. Pop one in the slot and two come out the other end. You can probably order them with or without jetpack, depending how hi-tech you want to be
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I'd probabaly mess it up and end up with a housefull.
Oight oight all
Good morning all. Shaney take it easy today!!

Woofy I'm sure that if you print off too many 3D babies you are allowed to throw some in the bin, just like normal photocopying !

Had such a surprise, Mr N actually brought me a cup of tea in bed, never been known before! But have been warned not to expect it too often!
Sunny but chilly here.
Morning all...oooh, back to frozen here but the clear blue sky and frost looks nice. I have a cup of tea in bed most mornings...after I've gone downstairs and fetched it myself. :(

lol, put them in the bin?! Surely you sell them on ebay or put them on gumtree.
I could do with some new 3D parts myself.
Knowing my luck my printer would run out of ink and they would all be faceless.
Exactly jno - you know it makes sense!!!!

Mini Cooper is now tubeless, all tubes have been removed, bless him and he's gained another kilo.

We went for a walk by the new port in Ibiza and then to the main square where I found a handbag shop open so yes I bought one! Then we ate at Burger King, it really was nice and fresh. Sometimes one just wants to rough it!
I like my babies hand finished :)

I've been to see the real live baby Snowflake and very sweet he is too....and very quiet and calm...for now. Big brother Moondust is a bit confused I think but he's being very good....for now. Arrived back home to thick fog over this side of Derby. It had been patchy on and off this morning. It's just misty now.

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Robi, that's lovely
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your visit, not the cabbage patches
lol woofy
I'm so tired, think I'll watch Halifax in bed and I'll catch up with Foyle's war in the week. Fancy putting them on at the same time...tut.
I agree Robi. I'm watching Foyle in bed and may be catch up with Halifax on line.
Got all my cards down and my tree put away. House looking a bit cleared up and tidier now.
So tired I don't think I'll see much of Foye. Oight oight all sleep tight
Good morning.

Shaney hope you are getting better and taking it easy.

Did anyone see Last tango last night, I really cannot take to Derek Jacobi, he makes such strange faces, bit like an idiot. I won't mention anymore in case you haven't see it.

Had sad news yesterday, when I first came here I taught in a hippy school run by Felicity who had 4 sons, Her eldest was shot dead in America, the second to eldest was allergic to life and had to live in a bubble in Canada where he died, and now the third one aged 50 died unexpectedly on Saturday night in Costa Rica, poor woman she has outlived 3 of her children. It's not right that they die before we do.

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