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Is sex important to you?

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flobadob | 20:16 Thu 09th Oct 2008 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
A survey in Ireland recently showed that 46% of people consider sex important in a relationship. I'd have thought it would be much higher.

My question is would you stay in a relationship with your if they said they did not want to have sex with you anymore?


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my ex was never really interested in sex.. and that's why he's my ex! he never said it, but it was blindingly obvious.
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cap'n, if he made an effort to do anything with anyone, I'd wish him well!
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i'm not interested in sex anymore

i've discovered answerbank!
not a chance !
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No I wouldn't but I'm probably part of the 46%. Sex isn't just the physical getting your rocks off act (well it can be but not all the time) in a relationship. For me it promotes intimacy and also strengthens the bond that differentates (sp) my partner from being just a very good friend. A good sex life (and by that I mean one you're both happy with, not necessarily swinging from the chandilers every night) strengthens and gives weight to a good relationship and I think this can only be a good thing.
I go along with what China has just said.
oh, the internet date.. we didn't have sex!

desperate, but not THAT desperate!
Is sex important to me ?

Dunno. I can't remember.
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it wasn't you, NK.. I'm sure I'd remember after the last time ;o)
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Not really , not that i would refuse sex if it was offered and i liked the person , but i can manage without if i must , and sometimes it does you the world of good.
Sex can sometimes make things seem betetr or more fun than they are.Take away the sex and sometimes theres nothing left.

D T H �?�?
Its important but not the be all and end all, and i would still stay in a relationship even if no sex was involved, i suppose as you get older you appreciate the hugs and cuddles a bit more than the "swinging from the chandeliers" part of it as Ms boring socks put it so well :)) x
If the reason was they didn't want to, then I think the relationship would be lacking something fundamental, and would eventually be doomed. Sex is part of a healthy relationship, and not wanting it anymore means there is something wrong with the whole relationship. Totally agree with china on that.
If, however, the reason was that they couldn't "perform", then there are other avenues to investigate, like medical treatment, alternative solutions...etc
Miss Jejune heels of the big hair brigade might find that with that kind of introduction she won't have to wait long for that non existant sex life!
Beware! my new hairdryer can be a deadly weapon :)) x

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