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Welcome to my kitchen!

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Barmaid | 13:12 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | Food & Drink
33 Answers
The weather is pants and I am rained off so I have brought you lovely ABers into my kitchen (which is a Grand Prix free zone). I am going to open a bottle, put on my music and COOK!

So if I were cooking for you, what would be on the menu?

So far, my list comprises a quiche, a new york cheesecake, naan breads and butter chicken.


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This thread is making me feel peckish or even really, really hungry so I am going before I succumb to temptation. Tonight my planned meal is a Weight Watchers ready meal, or maybe a Tesco Light Choices ready meal. Either leaves me still feeling hungry. Must keep to the straight and narrow, though or I'll never lose it.
Shellfish please and is there Guinness in the fridge? Godminster cheese and crackers.
Would that be oysters gness, naughty girl lol.
Lord! You`re quick Tony. The thought hadn`t crossed my mind. But now you`ve mentioned.................x
Kedgeree please
Grrr.....Gness why did you have to go and mention Godminster cheddar????
Love it Eccles `tho my request for Godmanchester cheddar confused the deli man.
can i have chips and egg please? its ages since i had owt simple like that, oh and some of the rocky road biscuits...i love those......

was there just me sat here wondering what cackleberries were?
Witches food, I think pdust.
lol own thoughts were similar
Cackleberries are what you'll get with your chips PDust...
lol i realised after i googled... i was sat here thinking what berries would be nice with the huevos rancheros :s

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Welcome to my kitchen!

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