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kloofnek | 09:16 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
We eat a lot of fish,and love just plain white fish,but this can be a bit bland so I am thinking about making a prawn sauce...I mean a quick one...not boiling up the shells liven it up.
Can anyone tell me if this will work:

Ready cooked shelled prawns,blitz in a blender, add some cream...I would like to a herb...but which would be best.?

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


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Dill goes well with seafood. I`m not sure I would like the thought of pureed prawns but that`s just my opinion. I would keep them whole in a lemon, dill and butter sauce perhaps. Or you could add some cream and a little paprika to it.
my opinion is that the prawns on their own wouldn't have a lot of flavour, especially if they are the preshelled frozen kind. Maybe add a little anchovy fillet and lemon juice?
I like sunblush tomatoes chopped and mixed with some of the oil they came in on basa fillet.
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Thank you so much for replies.
Have never blitzed prawns so it is a bit of an experiment
I usually get fresh prawns,but always have shelled cooked ones incase of being in a hurry.
We often have "gambas pil-pil"...,prawns in garlic and olive oil with a bit of red chilli.served warm.We eat a lot of fish and seafood.
Lived in Spain for 19 years and do a lot of Spanish cooking...which I adore.

237SJ..have done them whole in a white lemony your suggestion,lemon dill etc.

In fact might try all your ideas,everyone.

Must go now and start cooking!!!!!

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