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Wine of the Week

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NoMercy | 09:46 Thu 30th Aug 2012 | Food & Drink
21 Answers
Cantine Maschio Prosecco Brut. 11%

A delightful fizz from the rolling vineyards of Veneto, it has delicate floral aromas, with flavours of juicy green apple, which lead to a refreshing and delicate citrussy finish. Perfect as an aperitif or with fish and shellfish dishes.

Currently available in Tesco for £5.99 (down from £9.99)


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Rule 10 comes to mind.!!
spam reported
Hi Dennis and Dzug,

NoM provides a weekly update on recent offers and stand-out wines she's spotted. There's a reason the editorial team make it stick to the top of the page - that's because it's quite useful. Please don't report it as spam in the future, No Mercy is far to refined to enjoy spam anyway.

All the best,

''No Mercy is far to refined to enjoy spam''

Unless it is 'gently pan seared, drizzled with warmed extra virgin olive, sprinkled with Parmigiano Reggiano shavings and dusted with freshly cracked black pepper' :-o
thats not a bad price
Question Author
It's certainly worth the offer price, fluff.

I may be getting the bubbles out this evening. I should start my new job on Monday. :)
Point taken Ed.Best of luck with the new job NoM.
ooo nice one NM, that one in D?
Question Author
Not that one, fluff. I'll text you.

Thank you, Dennis.
Question Author
Bad signal problems here.

Sorry fluff, got confused. Yes, it's the Dermatology one.

Anybody know any wine offers worth sharing?
I hope this is not reported as spam. I love reading about the wine of the week.

Good luck for Monday xx
Yeah...good luck xx
Sorry, I thought you meant WHINE of the week, lol!
Question Author
Thanks guys! xx
I love this prosecco (although don't think I have found one I don't like!) - tesco quite often do this offer but I must get in and stock up :-)
Question Author
I love it too, joannie. Its beautiful white colour and delicately fruity palate make it a great for an aperitif.
good luck NoM

quiet here, the nicest wine being that Aussie The Musician, from the Coonawarra and a Cab Sauvv/ rich and mellow,
Hi NoM :)
We sank a few bottles of this last Friday when we had a family birthday BBQ and very nice it was too.
Give tesco finest Pinot grigio a go, opened a bottle last night, nicest Pinot I've had in a while, currently on offer too.
Good luck with the new job.
Question Author
Hi Ethandron, thanks for the recommendation. What nationality was the Pinot Grigio?

Hey DT.. Missed ya.
It's Italian. Label says..grapes sourced in the mountainous Trentino region of northern Italy, an area famous for the quality of its white wines. The altitudes of the vineyards, soil and climate give elegance and balance to this wine.
It's a smooth one, I sometimes find Pinot grigio a little harsh even though I do like the taste.

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