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Is It The Robust Meatyness Of The Beef, That Mixes With The Natural

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Iluvspikey | 18:31 Tue 14th May 2013 | Food & Drink
80 Answers
sweetness of the roasted plum tomatoes, the tingle of a splash of red wine that brings out the spiciness of the fresh basil and black pepper warmth, along with delight of a soft garlic and shallot kick, or is it the pillowy softness of the pasta, bathing in the creaminess of the ricotta, or is it that last, crispy golden top crust of unctuous, stringy pull of mozzarella, the saltiness of the gorgonzola or the nuttiness of the parmesano reggiano that make a lasagne a nice dinner?


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It's getting smaller FGT! lol

Triggs would need to gouge his eyes out if he had seen it lol ;) x
lol lol V&C xxx
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I'm sorry will somebody explain to me what's so funny - I told you this was the exercise at my creative writing class -
no, a findus crispy pancke isn't a laughing matter eccles

joyless doesn't begin to describe it

It sounds lush spikey, I'm hungry now and I love fresh lasagne.
Merc....sorry, Iluvspikey, I was just laughing at Eccles and her crispy pancakes.'s Parmigiano Reggiano...just for any future creative writing that you decide to do!

Toodles! ;)
In all fairness the crispy pancake wasn't quite as tasty as the box it came in....
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No vodkandcoke, It's you calling me merc - nothing to do with the way I spell parmesano reggiano
Oh well, don't let it bother you. 'Tis a website after all. Who knows who anyone is really?
I've always wondered who vodka is......
I'm Nigella Lawson really, I was trying not to blow my cover ;) x
You could not make it up ...
oh, you and your cheeky cleavage!
...and don't forget my ample behind! ;)
OH perlease. My OH will be wanting your address now V&C. He says I am Nigella without the sex appeal. B******d
No your Hugh FW
I had a salad with lots of red, yellow and orange peppers and artichoke hearts, and dressed with pesto. Delicious!
For the record; I did make it up, I have not had a Findus Lasagne or a Crispy Pancake.

I'm sorry.
If we are still talking about creative writing here...about food that is...I still think it's a bit OTT.
An Italian would laugh at it.
You should have peed on his cabbages barmaid.

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