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Goose Egg : - Boiled Egg

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josaphine32 | 19:10 Wed 12th Jun 2013 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
I got given a couple of goose eggs, I don't think I can find a bigger enough boiled egg holder ,but how long do I need to boil it for, so that it is soft but not raw but not hard boiled, I think there will be enough for you lot as well, when in got it i told my daughter the ducks layed it, gullable or what she thought they had.


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About 7 - 8 minutes should do it. Depends on how big it is.
One way of figuring it out is to weigh the egg, compare that to a hen's egg that you would boil for 3 minutes to soft boil. If the goose egg is three times the size that would give you 9 minutes.

I do love a goose egg. Tons of runny yolk... You'll need a whole squadron of soldiers to dunk!
My husband loved goose eggs. I used to boil them for around 8 to 10 minutes according to how big they were or how firm you want them. You need a very large egg-cup - I used a small cup with paper towels stuffed in the bottom. They have a season so make the most of them now.
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How the hell could anyone eat a hole one, it is massive, thanks I will go between 8 and 10 minutes, x
I usually end up only eating the yolk as they are enormous!
You are right josaphine. He was very greedy, in my opinion!! I used to laugh at him with this huge egg, but he enjoyed it.
He often threatened to get an ostrich egg, but never did.
Personally, I prefer goose and duck eggs are better scrambled or for making omelets

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Goose Egg : - Boiled Egg

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