Tap Water in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Tap Water

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Matheous-2 | 15:22 Sat 22nd Jun 2013 | Food & Drink
25 Answers
Has anyone ever noticed a smell of 'damp dog' from a freshly poured glass of water? (Scottish drinking water) If so, what is it?
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I've never had damp dog flavoured tap water but I have had chlorine flavoured tap water.
I draw water from the tap into bottles that I keep in the fridge. I find doing this lets all the fluoride, chlorine etc evaparorate off and the water tastes fine and is chilled.

Water straight from the tap is often unpleasant IHMO.
When I fell into the canal at Matlock, my only fear was that I would tread on a dead dog in the murky depths.
Eccles: The taste of chlorine can lessen in the way you describe, but nothing else (apart from dissolved air/oxygen) evaporates - fluoride and other dissolved ions remain in the water.
Matheous: the odour problem may be associated with your own plumbing "issues", rather than the water from the mains. Try running it for some time to see if it improves, or ask a neighbour to try some of theirs - to pinpoint the problem.
Is there a dog doing lengths in your water tank?
My tap water is always of excellent quality - I am the Perthshire area.
I do know that scottish water is a bit brown due to the peat and stains kettles. (Was told of this at our Loch Tummel hotel) Could that be the reason?
Though, I have to say, the smell of wet/damp dog is an awful smell. The thought of drinking water that smells like that is quite unsettling.
wolf: The mains water in Scotland IS some of the best tasting in these islands - which is why I think plumbing issues may be to blame (unsatisfactory materials used, very long runs to the tap, localised warming of the incoming mains supply etc.).
coccinelle: there is no ONE Scottish water- there are literally hundreds of different sources and they are all different!
Where about in Scotland are you?

My tap water is lovely. None of that horrible chlorine smell you can get, no peat or other lumps either!
I was told that it's the glass that needs a good wash.
^^^^not saying that your glasses are dirty btw!!! Just an observation.
....or, more likely, the dog needs a good wash...
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Thanks for your responses, though I'm none the wiser.....Could be a plumbing issue as we don't actually have a dog!
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LOL, it sound s like one of those real ales, a pint of your finest 'Damp Dog' please landlord.
Having gone through a stinking bog with a large G.S.D., ordinary damp dog seems quite attractive.
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I'm sure I have contacted Scottish Water in the recent past and never even received an acknowledgment email. So there's not much chance of any response to a damp dog smell....Maybe I should consider a bottled brand.
Have they started fracking in Scotland yet?

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