Bought a couple of packets of this yesterday. As I was packing them away it struck me that they weren't as big as they used to be. Is this an example of Wagon Wheel syndrome where you imagine foods from a while back came in much bigger servings?
I already have a signature dish. M&S 'British Medley vegetables, steamed, boiled potatoes, and salmon. Nice though it is I'm starting to get sick of the same thing nearly every night.
once you have a few basics cooking from scratch isn;t difficult and can be really quick - i can do steamed salmon and veggies, just as quick as a micro meal, with no preservatives :-)
Good of you to offer but I think I've learnt my lesson. If I was at liberty I'd like to find an isolated place somewhere on the far west coast of Donegal where nobody knew me and no more relatives could drop in unexpectedly and stay and stay.