There is on basic recipe you need to follow. 4lb of fruit/berries, 4lb sugar, 8 pints water, 0.5oz yeast. You can make wine with just about anything edible. I like to mix and match, disgusting as it sounds but marrow and banana (or maranana as I like to call it!) is actually very nice. Things like marrows add weight for stong tasting fruits. You don't want to be overwhelmed. PYO strawberries and you could make possibly one of the nicest rose in history. Serve ice cold with lots of crushed ice. The method is the same as the citrus wines you've seen posted and fermentation is roughly the same. Although the heavier the fruit (ie marrow) the longer it takes, not much in it though.
Some wines (especially reds) need to be kept for up to a year before drinking because of the tanin but most white and rose can be drunk after a couple of weeks of bottling.
Remember, if you bottle it before it has stopped fermenting (fizzing) completely, that is when it explodes in the airing cupboard! I err on the side of caution and keep it in the shed!
Good luck. Any questions feel free to ask, I come from a long line of alcholics!! ;~D