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Apple Crop

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fiftyplusfive | 20:20 Mon 09th Sep 2013 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Posted this in gardening but may do better here. We have lots of apples this year,is it possible to make cider or apple juice? If so how?


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I have a friend who makes decent cider, He slings all his apples in the freezer and freezes then then drips the pulp through muslin. He learned the trick off his elderly neighbour who has made cider for years and says that freezing the fruit rather than milling it has made it much easier.(old guy says)
Juice is easy if you have a basic juicer - we have juice on a daily basis at the moment.
If you've got a juicer, you can also freeze the juice, and of course, the pulp if you have a use for it.
would be quite labourious to make any great quantity without an apple pulper and a cider press.

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Apple Crop

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