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Poaching Cod In Milk

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mandimoo | 14:10 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Never done this before.

Was gonna just cover in semi skimmed in a small roasting pan. Put in black pepper salt, knob butter, finely chopped onion & garlic, maybe some dried chili flakes. And bake.

Does this sound like it would be nice? Anything else I could add? Can you use the milk for a sauce or should it be discarded?


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Have often done it like that mandi. Yes use the milk for a sauce as it has a lovely fishy taste.
Yes, you can use the milk afterwards for making sauce, It should make a lovely onion sauce. If you do not want onion sauce, just sieve the onion and use the milk as a base. for cheese sauce . etc
Will probably need thickening with some cornflour if you use the milk as a sauce.
oo fish cooked in milk and butter i lived on it growing up. i cook any white fish in full fat milk with a good knob of butter (i suppose marg would do ive never tried using it) and some salt and pepper, yummy, i just drink the milk liquid mmmm

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