Crosswords1 min ago
4 Answers
Can someone please tell me if I can freeze Yogurt also the one that has bio whatever in it only asking as now I have type two diabetics and having to give up ice cream wondered if freezing yogurt would be ok thank you all.
yes you can, and it won't kill the cultures. Here's some recipes for you. http:// allrecipes. co. uk/ recipes/ tag- 4214/ frozen- yoghurt- recipes. aspx
18:55 Sun 13th Apr 2014
yes you can, and it won't kill the cultures.
Here's some recipes for you.
http:// allreci uk/reci pes/tag -4214/f rozen-y oghurt- recipes .aspx
Here's some recipes for you.
You can freeze yoghurt but doesn't come out like icecream. If you freeze bio yoghurt, any bio benefit will be killed off by the freezing. Commercial yoghurts often have a lot of sugar in the pack.
Do you like bananas?
http:// www.die titianu /2013/0 7/16/he althy-b anana-i ce-crea m-recip e-dairy -free/
recipes on this forum
http:// www.dia betes.c rum/thr eads/ic e-cream -recipe .23198/
Do you like bananas?
recipes on this forum
Sengas, May I recommend Total 0% yoghurt as it has no fat and very, very little sugar unlike many other yoghurts. I spoon it onto fresh fruit and squirt a dash of choc shot for a delicious dessert.
Choc shot is a choc sauce with low sugar useful for desserts and drinks. Its available in most supermarkets. Look for it near the drinking chocolate.
http:// www.swe etfreed k/index .php/sw eet-fre edom-ch oc-shot
Choc shot is a choc sauce with low sugar useful for desserts and drinks. Its available in most supermarkets. Look for it near the drinking chocolate.