Potted Orchids in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Potted Orchids

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chokkie | 19:30 Sat 20th Jun 2015 | Gardening
7 Answers
Hi Abers, I wonder if someone can possibly offer some advice please. I was given a lovely potted orchid for a birthday presen (lovely pinky mauve colour) and, never having had one of these before, I'm not sure how to care for it. Where in the house should I keep it - in the bay in full sunlight? or where else? And what about watering - does the soil need to be kept damp? ... your advice would be much appreciated. Best wishes, Chox.
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From the Royal Horticultural Society:
There's lots of info online about care - but be warned, very few people have much luck with them...they are really very awkward. Sorry!
I can kill almost any pot plant but have two thriving orchids (bought for a couple of quid each as they looked to be dying in the local Tesco Express).
Had them for over two years.
I also have 2 orchids that have done stunningly well for 2 years, repeat flowering. I pretty much ignore them apart from watering with rainwater once a week. They are in a light position but don't get too hot or long term direct sunlight.
.....there you are then. Just me and people I know!
Keep in clear pots (roots need light) north facing window & neglect them. When the leaves begin to wither soak the pot in rain water. Cut off dead flower stems.
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Many thanks folks, appreciate your help - now all I have to do is find a northfacing window in our house! Appreciate your suggestions and advice. Best wishes. Chox.

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