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Marzipan In A Xmas Cake

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hammerman | 06:18 Sat 28th Nov 2015 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Someone mentioned the other day that they mix small blobs of marzipan into their xmas cake mix before cooking.

Anyone done this ? sounds like heaven for us marzipan lovers !!


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I LOVE marzipan, it's the only reason I go to weddings.
yeuch yeuch yeuch !
I love marzipan too!! Adding to cake mix reminds me of Stollen. I must try this next time.
Not tried adding bits but I used to make Simnel cake at Easter , marzipan is rolled out to the size of the cake, put half of cake mixture into the tin, add marzipan and then rest of cake mixture then bake.
Easter cake is cooked with marzipan inside, but rather than blobs there is a middle layer of marzipan. The proper name is simnel cake.
Raymond Blanc adds it to his carrot cake too. I love marzipan so I'm in heaven and I like the idea of adding to a Christmas Cake

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