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Peeling Boiled Eggs

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CJRebus | 22:58 Wed 23rd Dec 2015 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Why is it that sometimes a cold, hard-boiled egg will peel perfectly, but other times bits of the egg white come away with the shell, even though the eggs have been boiled and cooled together?


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Eggs are a natural product and there may be some individual variation it usually says somewhere.
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Thank you jomifl
The freshness makes a lot of difference - the fresher the egg, the easier it peels
hc4361^^ that's the wrong way round. Very fresh eggs are harder to peel, ones a week or so old peel better.
my son tried the huffington post method - and it works brilliantly
Definitely the fresher the egg the harder it is to peel.

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Peeling Boiled Eggs

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