Peeling 2 hard boiled eggs to make my fav 'Egg & Tomato' sandwiches I wondered if any one else has the problem of picking the shell and it just won't come off, pick pick, just small bits when at last its all off the egg looks mangled.
Is it the eggs or is it me? always used to be easy-peasy a couple of picks & the whole thing comes off.
Not any more, its soo frustrating.
I must say I'm not new to this i've done it for years & no probs, but this pick pick pick thing really annoys me. Am I doing it all wrong? or is it something to do with the shells?
when that happens to me I try to pick off the thin membrane under the shell if I do that even a small bit then I can take off the entire shell without picking away at it.
Put the egg on a work surface and roll it under the palm of your hand whilst pushing down hard enough to crack the shell. Roll back and forth a few times....despite breaking into a thousand pieces, they all come off in one !!!!!!!!!!