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Are There Any Foods/drinks That You Would Never Consume?

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10ClarionSt | 17:09 Sat 21st Oct 2017 | Food & Drink
77 Answers
I never consume the following: chicken, garlic, fresh fish, water(tap or bottled), curry, pizza, kebabs. What about you?


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I only eat liver if I cook it myself. Dipped in flour, fried gently on each side for a few minutes as if cooking a rare steak; still pink in the middle and melts in the mouth.
Melts in the bin !
Remember when you could get pork chops with the kidney still in them? There was always that weird urine smell as they cooked but they were lovely.
Yes, I miss those.
Only dead people never consume water.
When I was a child chicken was a tasty luxury. Not now.
We ate beef hearts as children, we were sent to the butchers on occasion to get them for Mam, one day one of my siblings and I were heading off to the butchers, ever so giddy, we had to get two beef hearts (big family) by time we got there we were unable to ask for it because it went from our Mam's mouth as beef hearts to our minds as big f@rts we had great sport trying to tell the butcher what we wanted
Those big f@rts went a long way, Ducksie. Plenty of meat in 'em.
They sure did, were handy for all of us on a sunday, we never actually knew what beef hearts meant - great to be naive at the time
have never....a few things.....have tried and don't want again, quite a list of things.....would never......well that's a different thing again.....never name the well you won't drink from.
Beef hearts were the one thing I was never served. I do remember though tripe, cow heels and brawn all of which I refused to eat. Remember that meat was still on the ration in the early 50s.
It was the texture of the hearts I didn't like, sort of grainy...or something. I can't really remember now. It's a long time since I was made to eat it.
We seemed to eat a lot of rabbit. I loved that.
I am vegetarian but how about pig's trotter, chicken feet, tripe, bulls testicles, sheeps eyeballs,
we had rabbit, beef hearts, pheasant and when meat was scarce, oxtail soup - made by my Mam, we had a lovely butcher, he knew there were a dozen kids and my parents so he often threw in an extra few bits even veg depending on what meat was ordered
Marzipan or butter beans. Yuk!
I used to hate broad beans and butter beans; now I love them.
Remember brawn ...yuk
My dad ate it looked like dog meat no way could I eat that stuff
^ I'll eat all of those in your list, but never Black pudding , it is made of clotted pig's blood and cereal .
Love black pudding, cold or fried. Also white pudding.

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