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Are There Any Foods/drinks That You Would Never Consume?

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10ClarionSt | 17:09 Sat 21st Oct 2017 | Food & Drink
77 Answers
I never consume the following: chicken, garlic, fresh fish, water(tap or bottled), curry, pizza, kebabs. What about you?


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10C...I have just noticed that you never drink water....that is very strange....why ?
Bananas - same as Lady J. Projectiles guaranteed.
Because of what fish do in it, Mikey.
OG is not far wrong. Up to the middle ages and beyond people used to drink "small" (weak) beer because of what the cows might have been doing in the river further upstream. At least the water had to be boiled first before the beer was made.
On the never list: Beetroot, Sushi, Pasta, Mango, Pilchards, Sprouts, Fish pie, Cauliflower, Butterbeans, Liver, Kidneys, Tongue, Twiglets.
Of course if we were starving we would eat all of the above happily just to feel something in our bellies.
I agree with sushi and pilchards. I adore ox tongue but it is hard to get hold of. It is so expensive that a lot of delis don't stock it, the alternative is pressed pork tongue which is nowhere near as nice. A salad sandwich with ox tongue and fresh Colman's mustard is to die for.
I love cauliflower yet I don't like broccoli.
Fermented milk in all its forms, i.e. cheese, yoghurt, lassi, etc.
Cannot abide them.
Cauliflower has a nicer texture than broccoli.
I people "never" eat certain foods because they've tried and didn't like, or because they won't try.
I hated ginger with a passion in my 20s, and would never eat it. By my 40s I loved it and used copious amounts in my cooking.
Sheeps eyes
The only thing that makes me not eat food without trying it is the squeamish element.

I couldn't stand coriander and could never identify the horrible taste I kept getting when eating Indian food. I love it now. Same with a lot of veg. I only really ate carrots and peas as a kid. I wouldn't even eat mash potato. Now I more or less eat all veg.
Jackdaw - Morrison's stock decent ox-tongue on their deli-counters.

Re: frogs' legs. Please, those who like them, understand that in poor countries people go hunting frogs and rip the legs off, while they are alive and then leave the rest of the frog to die. The legs are then exported as a delicacy. That's why I won't eat them.
Thanks for that, Jourdain! I had no idea!

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