who has tried them, someone has just mentioned them... i want to try them but i can't get chicken and sausage to go together in my head, it;s just not working.
i want to be the random tesco gift selector... you would have got today one small radish a piece of cheese and a small child found loitering in aisle 3
The Heck ones are actually quite good- they don't compare to a good old Lincolnshire banger, but are v good if u are on a diet and you're imagining you're going to eat "diet" sausages, then you'll be pleasantly surprised. I didn't actually realise they were chicken until the third or fourth time I'd eaten them.
I was just saying to Mr Bm yesterday, now I am rocking the domestic goddess I might make some sausages - just need to buy the skins. I have made chicken and turkey ones before but there is no fat in them so they can be a bit dry. It's actually quite pleasing the way the machine forces the meat into the skin in your hand.
Sausage snob here...I only buy very high meat content ones...like Sainsbury's 97%. I really don't want all the junk and fillers that go into some.
I used to eat chicken ones...they were ok, but a bit squishy.
Ginge is eating a chicken sausage sandwich with mixed toms He said they are really good. I've added a different brand to my basket for next week...the Heck ones which someone else mentioned.
I've tried the D and A ones...they were "ok". But I prefer the Sainsbury's ones. M and S are also nice. Even Iceland do high meat ones now.
Heck sausages used to be D and A...they sold out I think.