My wife bought a bag of this product from a well known frozen food store . She says it has an odd taste and refuses to eat any more of it and was going to bin it. I said I would try and salvage it and make Guacomole which we both like but she is adamant she wouldn't eat it. :-(
Has anyone else tried this product and.if so, what did you think of it ? I am aware that not all foodstuffs taste the same as when frozen from fresh.
I hate frozen avocado - I think the texture and taste changes with the freezing.
However, you should be able to make guacamole out of it as the chilli etc will mask the taste
I buy lots of frozen avocado but only use them for my morning smoothie. I’ve not tried guacamole but it should be ok for that.
Would only buy fresh for anything else though.
It's avocado. Of course it has an odd unpleasant taste.
The other guacamole ingredients barely make it acceptable, but just succeeds.
Have to say, never tried it frozen.