Probably, in that the suppliers will grab the opportunity to blame BREXIT, even though its not happened yet. Let's blame BREXIT for everything. I can remember when all the prices went up apparently due to decimalisation.
Whilst most ABers have enjoyed your informative updates on your pilgrimage in the mountains of Spain it is with great chagrin that our Tesco red plonk has increased whilst you slurp free red plonk in some Franciscan hidey hole. I am afraid whilst you have obtained much spiritual solace in your travels we,in the real world, have endured considerable price hikes.Welcome home. :-)
I buy Asda's own cooked chicken chunks which have always cost £1.99 (they are for my dog), they have now suddenly gone up to £2.30 a packet. Everything seems to be going up these days.
marjopry - why the strange comment about retro having 'nothing better to do' ? Don't get it ..