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jennyjoan | 23:16 Wed 11th Nov 2020 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
just a quick answer please. it has been ages but I'm doing a biggish one tomorrow - can anybody tell me what electric celsius at fan operate.

think I may have done them at 150 degree - am I correct. If I get it correct. come to mama tomorrow for bigga pavalava.

ta ta answers.


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bump- bump up upn
TOP TIP – according to a few forums it is best to bake at 110°C (225°F) for 90 minutes -2 hours. I have had a few readers experience issues with baking at my suggested temperature of 90°C (195°F) which I haven’t had any issues with, having tested this recipe extensively. If in doubt bake at this slightly higher temperature.s

If you are using a fan forced oven the recommendation is to reduce the temperature by 15-20 degrees. I prefer to turn the fan off when making pavlova or macarons.

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thank you guys - will peruse those tomorrow - ta ta

I didn't spot the word 'fan' in your post.

The temperatures above should be 130C, 120C, 110C (reducing to 80C) and 100C, respectively. So it looks like your guess of 150C is rather high!
I always do mine at 130 fan.
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ok - am doing one shortly and at 130. Thanks for your answers.
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pavlova turned out great. done 6 white eggs and 12 ozs caster sugar, cuppla teaspoons vinegar, and one and a little bit of cornflour.

turned out great - have to say the best I've done in ages - well - said everybody tonight. oh - 130degree in fan assisted.

the more you make the better you become.
Glad it turned out well JJ x
Where's ours then?
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In the fridgey boy Chris. Loads more. Ready for the next shipment LOL.

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