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prawn crackers

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sunflower68 | 02:17 Sun 18th Dec 2005 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
Just pondering do they make the prawn crackers I buy. They are tiny plasticy discs ready to fry. It's like backwards cooking when they explode in the oil . Wierd. Pappadoms do the same trick too.


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I'd always wondered this, so I've just googled and found this on

250g prawn meat, washed and dried well
250 to 300g tapioca flour
1 tsp salt
l tsp pepper
Oil for deep frying

Liquidise the prawn meat till smooth. Mix in the tapioca flour, salt and pepper. Mix well into a stiff dough.
Divide dough into three equal portions. Roll up each portion then place the rolls on a greased plate. Steam for 40 to 45 minutes over high flame.

Leave the rolls to cool, then wrap with a clean tea towel. Chill well in the refrigerator. Use a very sharp knife to slice thinly. Thoroughly dry the cut-out pieces in the sun.

Deep-fry the crackers

I think I'd have to dry the cut out pieces in a different way though, as they'd be more likely to drown if I left them outside here!

Did you know you can make pappadoms in the microwave? Buy them uncooked and put them in for a few secs. Well funny to watch and far less calories than frying!

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