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Fao Dizmo Birds Eye Beef Burgers

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theshedman | 12:14 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

Just a quick note to Dizmo, bought some in Iceland yesterday and they have gone back to the old recipe and got rid of the plant protein.  Maybe they took note of falling sales and terrible reviews.



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Hopefully you didn't buy old stock.

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No OG, made in May of this year.  Think they have had so many bad reviews they have gone back to the old recipe.  I like the Aberdeen Angus ones but wife likes these.

Good to know, I remember posting on that thread... but believing was in the tasting as I had some in the freezer and they were crap weren't they. Thanks for the heads up.

Well burger me, people power in action.

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Fao Dizmo Birds Eye Beef Burgers

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