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Salmon Sandwiches

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Vagus | 13:24 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
25 Answers

Whenever I make the above I always put sliced beetroot on them. My mum did too which is probably why I do.

My cousin had never heard of putting beetroot on them, only cucumber. Does anyone else make them like this or am I alone?




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I don't like anything wet in a sandwich so don't put either. Salmon on it's own suits me

To put either on them is to ruin the sandwich and make it unpalatable.

salmon would be too wet for me in a sandwich by itself (assuming you re talking of the mushed up tinned kind rather than somked)

I roast a whole salmon, have it hot for dinner then have it cold for salads or sandwiches - it isn't wet.  Can't abide the tinned stuff

beetroot - ugh 

That's like eating sprouts 



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I don't think tinned salmon is at all wet, in fact I find it a bit dry so when I mash it up for a sandwich always add a bit of salad cream to hold it all together so it doesn't fall out of the sides of the sandwich. Same with tinned tuna.

I only buy tinned salmon to use in sandwiches.

Ooh Baz, that's probably why I like it, I love sprouts too 🐟🥬🥒

I like sprouts and beetroot, too.  Very little veg I don't like

Anything but cucumber 

Beetroot is just purple soil.

For some reason it turns into something edible if made into crisps. The purple ones in a packet of 'vegetable crisps' are fine, nothing like beetroot usually tastes.

I like beetroot in fact I'm going to add it to shopping list, cucumber no point it'd just end up being a soggy mess in the salad drawer by time I came to use it. That said I find Salmon a bit bland fresh and tinned I don't see whoop about it.

Hopkirk you should start a thread listing foods you do like, I'm sure it'd be very short.

I usually put tinned salmon on a barmcake/bap as they are thicker than bread. I like a hard-sliced egg on mine and a sprinkling of chives.

Don't forget a bag of crisps as well.


I quite like cheese and beetroot.

curlyfries81 me too.


I don't like tinned salmon...I do like pickled beetroot. Don't see the point of cucumbers. 

If I've got leftover cooked salmon it gets mixed with homemade mayo...some beetroot on the side would be nice.



I like tinned red salmon and fresh salmon, but I couldn't eat smoked salmon.

The number of times I've eaten salmon ,  i  can probably count on two fingers .

Am i right in saying that its like a 'meaty' fish 

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Neither of us like fish Baz, but salmon, either fresh or tinned (not smoked) is one we do both enjoy. I'm not sure I'd call it particularly meaty, fresh tuna is what I'd call a meaty fish, salmon is more flakey.


I'd have the beetroot without the salmon.  I don't like fish of any kind.

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