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How Long Might It Be Before The Refugees Who Arrived In Small Boats...

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sandyRoe | 17:05 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
13 Answers

...are accused of eating dogs and cats?



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Why would they be?

stop it sandy - you are becoming ridiculous...

Any reason why they should be? I understand they will be adequately fed and watered after their arrival.

Mind you, some other wildlife should watch out:

Just a Trump dig. Quite a good one I thought.

Obviously Trump fell for the 'only in Ohio' memes etc

Question Author

You're right, Naomi.  As a smear it went down like a lead balloon in the debate.  Our right wingers are more intelligent than Trump and his supporters.

There are countries where dogs are eaten. Thank goodness we are not one of them. 

"Have you ever eaten a dog Mr. Russell?"

"Eaten one & lived like one."

Paul Newman - Hombre

I think the Brits are more aware of the absurd.

but then - they did swallow "£360m a week for the NHS" so they still show some gullibility

As you well know, no one swallowed that, but there are plenty who never had the wit to interpret it correctly. (Or maybe opted to pretend they didn't.)


Whether they eat US dogs or not might depend on how much the US authorities like to give/spend US taxpayers' money to/on illegal immigrants.

Peter 17.31 Spot on again as usual.The eejits that listened  to and believed the Prat that wrote that on the side of that bus want Tin Tacking. Twice over.

^Pathetic childish crowbarring attempt

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