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Answers Are All Food And Drink

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demob | 20:26 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
15 Answers

1.  raise your glasses 5

2. strange sheep 3,4

3.the oven is one place to find this 7

4.  price to clear your throat 6

5.stressed and muddled 8

6.  sounds like a rock used by an englishman

7.sounds like this bird is on the lookout

8.  such a bliss with meat or fish   7


thank you so much




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1 toast

5 Desserts  - anagram of stressed

2. Has been answered by Mallyh as Rum Baba

Question Author

thank you - also worked out 8 chablis

3 Venison - hidden in clue

3. Venison  (in clue)

4 Coffee Cough Fee

Letter counts for 6 & 7 please?

And full details of the Quiz?

Question Author

sorry 6 is 11

7 is 6,4

7. peking duck

8. hidden in clue, chablis

Question Author

brilliant thank you

one last one

wish and you are in for a drink 6

shandy  (hidden in the clue)

Question Author

thank you all

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Answers Are All Food And Drink

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