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social security

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bryadelle | 20:16 Sat 21st Jan 2006 | Parenting
6 Answers

Hi all.

Iam doing a dissertation for uni about DHS/social security and the impact it has on society. I would be very grateful if anyone here would be willing to share their experiences (good or bad) with me. Obviously i dont want names or anything and you can be as brief as you need to be as im sure this could go on for ever, but rather than opinions here i would like to hear of your experiences within the offices.

Anything will be helpful; Thank you.



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i have only one experience of DHS 6 years ago I am a single mum who's daughter died one week after her birth. I was absolutely unable to afford her funeral. I went to my local DHS (following advice from my undertaker) and explained to the receptionist my dilema. I was taken into a side room, met by a very nice person who filled in all the forms and after leaving me for about 10 minutes returned with a letter to take to an undertaker, confirming all funeral costs would be met. I was in there less than an hour and at no point made to feel like I was asking for something I shouldn't have or being a nuisance. I actually wrote to the office a little time later thanking them for their help and understanding and received a very nice response. I know there can be some awkward nerks working in these places and they do get a lot of grief but I have only praise for them. Hope this helps bryadelle.

I have had two experiences with the DHS. One of them was ok and the other was appalling! We had no money, no gas and had 50p left on my electric - we had been expecting our benefit but they had mucked up the payment hence us being so short of everything. We went to our local DHS and begged for a crisis loan. The guy on the front desk sat back, folded his arms and catagorically said "NO." His whole attitude was of that we should have been prepared for this benefit mess up! We explained the whole situation, took a recent bank statement to show we weren't trying to con them and still he said no. I began to cry because i really didnt know how i would make it through until we were paid (we were being told it could have been up to a week) I kept asking him how was i supposed to feed my son. he was rude, obnoxious and damn right inconsiderate.

We didnt get any money from them - didnt even get as far as filling in the request form. I had to borrow money from everybody i knew to make it through the week.

I hope your dissertation shows the DHS as being incompetent and inconsiderate peopel that they are - or maybe its just the people who work in my local ???

i apologise to all the DHS people who are excellent at their job and the people who reak consideration from every pour because i know that you are out there !

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Thank you very much nfn for sharing your experience with me. I really appreciate any response that i may get and especially so when that experience is as sensitive an issue as yours.I am very glad you received the level of service that you rightly deserved.All the best and once again thank you.
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Please forgive me if i do not respond to each thread individually as i am not always able to access this site on a daily basis, however i really appreciate any experiences and opinions regardless how trivial they may seem. Thanks.

In my experience they have been so short staffed due to cut backs that they barely can advise adequately on what help they can give you. I have asked for training as I was told I should qualify in order to get me back to work but was told that funding was in short supply.

Income support is made up of what the government says you need to live on instead of individual circumstances. We all differ in circumstances, some run cars, some smoke, drink, do drugs. I live in a village so I need my car which is also important as my family live so far away. My income exceeds my outgoings by #30 per year meaning that if I mess up my budget I will have a problem with debt or have to further cut back on my families needs. My younger son is a celiac and special food for his diet is quite expensive compared to normal. My car has sat outside my house broken down since being vandalised in early january. According to my budget I will be in the red this month and I won't make it out of my overdraft until may. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. My car costs a 6th of my income for the whole year.

I struggle to afford shoes and clothes for my kids and hate the situation i'm in. I can't understand how people manage really.


I can FULLY believe what you are going throu...and i suppose thousands upon millions of others do as well....theres only one consolation in the fact you're not alone.

I have had to BEG people i know to help me out some weeks...espcially when funds have not been paid into my account on time - then it takes them up to 11 weeks to get organised and while i'm waiting to get my money back or a compensation payment, my bank is taking 35:00 out PER returned DD!!

I dont think the people at the Beneifts agency understand about having to live on benefit! Its degrading and in my own opinion INHUMANE. Dont get me wrong - if i could work i would and i have done since i left school. I am a full time carer and unable to work due to my own disability - but that does not seem to be considered as the need for respect and pride. I am looked upon as 'scum' by other taxpayers but i would like to ask them to stand in my shoes for a fortnight and see how they get on with not having enough money to put on the electric or gas card and seeing their son shiver because they are cold.

i would presonally love to stand up and be counted but sadly, i am classed as a second class citizen who is not worthy of my oipinion.

soz for the moan guys...bad day mefinks!! hehehehe

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