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Does anyone not like milk?

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jedimistress | 13:09 Tue 21st Mar 2006 | Food & Drink
43 Answers
Ethical reasons aside. Does anyone dislike the taste of milk? I have never had too much milk, or get bored of milk, or met anyone who doesn't like it.


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There is no way on earth I could drink a glass of milk, I blame it on having warm school milk as a child. Yuk.

I do like milk in tea and porridge though

Even at school whne we got the free milk , so I wasnt left out my father made sure a had a little carton of juice because I dislked milk so much.
I dont take milk in coffee or anything, on the othe rhand I refuse to buy semi skimmed milk as I have children and a husband who adore milk.

Absolutely hate milk. Use soya in my porridge and drink tea and coffee black. Anything made with milk, i.e. rice pudding makes me physically ill with IBS and other allergic type reactions.

Funnily enough, the only time I drank it was when I was pregnant and I drank gallons of ice cold milk - couldn't get enough of it. Didn't like it before, and haven't drunk it since.

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Wow! Did not realise it was so unpopular.
I like milk. But it doesn't like me ! I never drink it now as it plays up my IBS. I drink tea with lemon or black coffee and use Oatley milk for porridge and cereals.
I don't like milk either but can tolerate it in a strong flavoured cheese sauce. I take my tea and coffee black and don't eat cream either. OK with cheese though, provided it's a really strong cheddar for example.
I love the taste of milk or as least I thought I did until I moved from Jersey to Cornwall where all the supermarket milk is homogenized as well as pasteurized. Now its all I can do but to drink it in coffee :-(

miiiiiiilk! ewww!!

not a milk fan, im afraid. no ethical reasons whatsoever :P

Alibobs - totally agree with you for the same reason! Anyone going to school up to the mid 80's had to endure those stubby bottles of milk, delivered in a crate nice and cold in the morning, and stuck right next to the radiator so they could curdle nicely before break time -yuk!!!

Then Thatcher Thatcher The Milk Snatcher came along and banned in on grounds of costs - the country was in uproar but I positively loved the woman for it, as an 8 yr old!

Never had it 'neat' since, although I have it in tea & coffee.

i dislike milk myself, although i occasionally enjoy ice cream. the last time i had milk i was 5.
I love the stuff, don't drink as much as I used to but it's a great hangover preventer (drink a pint when you get in).

"personally love milk. if they sold it in pubs i'd have a pint of milk when i went to the bar. "

The sell milk in Pizza Express and I always have that rather than beer or another softdrink (it's also the cheapest thing on the drinks menu)
I hate the taste of cow's milk - only have it in milkshakes and hot chocolate.
I absolutely hate the taste of milk on its own, but add the slightest bit of flavouring, tea, coffee or whatever to it and I'm OK. I love it with porridge, but with any other type of breakfast cereal I only use enough to dampen the food.....anything left over gets poured away.


Problem as a kid was that I didn't drink water either so my Mum used to bring me a drink of orange to school at lunchtime to make sure I got a drink!

HOWEVER over this winter I have developed a liking for hot chocolate (my boyf makes with quirty cream and marshmallows on top!) and this is the only way I can tolerate milk.


Might as well drink rancid phlegm.


I'll have milk in my cereal but wont drink it at the end like some people do or just drink a cup on its own cause I dont like it.

Interesting non?

Jess xxx

Can't stand it, Have never liked it. Oooh, the horror of the left in the sun warm 1/3rd size bottle of school milk that the teachers insisted we drank.

It is black tea and coffee for me, and there is no milk in the house.

Love the stuff , from skim to whole, cold never hot, shaken or stirred. - Some places I've worked you go into their tea/coffee room and instead of the pasteurised liquid they leave a spiked gooey tin of evaporated or condensed milk ? Yeuch wtf is that ? Then there's the powdered version used for colouring only ? Fourteen heaped teaspoonsfull and you still scald your tongue on the first sip !!

When Victorian scientists discovered vitamins they recommended drinking milk for its vitamin A and D content. Many adults didn't like the taste, so people added it to tea and coffee to disguise the flavour. The practice continues, but most folk don't know why - now you do!

Baronvhb...As to your comment about drinking the milk of other species into adulthood - what do you give your cat? And hedgehogs are known to drink the milk leaking from cows udders. And in winter, blue-tits used to peck through the tops of milk-bottles left on doorsteps to get at the cream.

My sister always drinks her coffee and tea without milk. She is a vegetarian, so this would explain this.

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